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"She's back. Give her some air!" The words sound liike music. The vocal cords sounding like harmonized violins. The heartbeat sounding like a drum. The choir talking all at once.

"She's opening her eyes!"

"I'm alive?" I whisper as my vision focuses and then leaves again and back. "Marley Jane." Violet whispers and I groan and try to sit up, but something attatched to my hip and doesn't allow me to do so.

"You know how to take a bullet Marley." Sage whispers, grasping my hand. Aryiana is holding my other, and tracing my knuckle with her finger. Her eyes puffy from crying.

"Everyone else is outside. They didn't want too many people in here at once. Violet has to get checked out too because she passed out. But it was from all the blood." Ary says, clutching my hand tighter.

"Where was I shot?" I ask, I didn't feel any pain. I barely felt anything. Only my toes and my hands.

"Back." Sage whispers. "Where's Zachary?" I ask and Sage and Ary look at my mom.

"Dead. He turned the gun at himself when I held the gun to him. I think he was going to commit suicide after he intended on killing you. I don't think he was going to kill all of us at all, but just did that to strike fear in your heart." My mom whispered.

"He's way more sadistic than I thought." I whisper and they all smile and then stare at me again. I look to my left and see I have a small table with food on it for me, just waiting for me. I also notice that there's a clipboard that has all of my information on it.

I frown and turn back to my family. "I thought Zachary shot me twice." I whisper.

"He did." Sage says nodding his head.

"But on the paper it only says I had one." I point out. "Princess, you were saved. You only took one bullet." Aryiana informs me and I tilt my head.

"Your prince jumped in front of you." She adds and I sit back and smile.

He took a bullet for me.

"But Marley....he didnt....make it...."

Ian's dead? Dead. Ian Valente is dead.

My heart beat increases and I glance from side to side, looking for a shoulder to cry on. But I couldn't cry. I could only groan in agony. My heart clenched. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out.

"He died once he got into the hospital." My mother whispers and I begin to hypervenilate.

He wasn't supposed to die for me. He wasn't supposed to die. Sage grabs my arm and strokes it and I cry..that's all I can do.

It showed that I was living...and living....was surviving. That's all I could do as an Impulsive human.

"How's my dad?" I find myself asking through tears. I wanted to distract myself from the pain. The agony I felt.

"He's fine." Ary says with a shrug.

"Ma. What about Sarah?" I ask and she exhales and shakes her head from side to side.

"I don't think I'll be here for graduation..." She mumbles.

"I don't care for that anymore. I just want to sleep forever." I complain, covering my face with my eyes.

"You can't." I hear Aryianas soft voice and I look over at hands.

"You have a story to finish." She adds.

She was meaning life. How I'm supposed to figure everything out.

How I'm supposed to continue.

"I guess it proves something..." I say quietly. Not to anyone into particular but to myself mostly.

I needed to speak the words aloud. Maybe they would hold power in a different way.

"Life isn't a fairytale. And you don't always get the guy." I finally say. The words settling in.

In truth, I didn't know Ian. My fantasy at the beginning of the school year was to have a student- teacher affair and we'd fall in love and end up together.

But as I realize that was impossible; I noticed how cliché it was.

This was no movie. This was no book. Shit happens. Life is unpredictable.

Things happen all at once without any preparation. And there was nothing I could do about it.

All I can do is work on myself and try not to act or react on Impulse.

Now all we could do was heal and go up from here.

I was prepared for the worst and praying for the best.

And as I mourned that day: I mourned for Ian. For Zachary.

Then finally I mourned for myself. The part of me that died and ascended to Heaven.

The part of me: I couldn't keep.

The child. The princess.

The girl who wanted to be saved. And she was saved.

But now it was time to save myself and that was another book to write for a different time.


Hah! Gotcha! Now THAT was a Flower Finale on the #ImpulseEra!!!!

And that's the last chapter BUT THERE WILL BE AN EPILOGUE! There will be one more. I'll post it tomorrow.

After that I'll post a chapter about what the book is actually about and then after that I'll post a short chapter with some Q & As I saw often on the chapter and then AFTER THAT. will be my very last Authors Note and my goodbye to Wattpad.

This chapter I made rather short for a reason you'll see in the epilogue .

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