"I just had this weird suspicion you were up to something in that weapon's room," Eric took a step forward and I took a step back. "I think you have Christian under your love spell and I'm just curious if he even has to force you down anymore?"

"You're sick!" I spat and noticed my hands were trembling as I held the gun up at him. "You're a sick fuck!"

"I'm a sick fuck?" Eric laughed as he took a few steps to the side and I had to turn with him. "You're the one sleeping with the enemy, succumbing to the power of one of us, and inevitably Jane, you are one of us now."

"I am a prisoner. I am not one of you," I breathed out holding my gun tightly.

Eric smirked at me as he bounced his eyebrows, "She's sexy when she's upset. Anyone else getting a boner right now?"

Eric laughed and turned around to look at his colleagues with their guns pointed at me. Feeling my anger consume me, I pulled the trigger and shot my weapon. Eric spun around and I realized I completely missed him. My hands were shaking too bad to aim properly.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself as another shot sounded off from one of Eric's people and I felt a bullet dig into my side.

"Jane," Harry called out for me and I dropped my arms from their position as my eyes trained on the blood soaking through my shirt.

I raised my weapon again, but before I could aim properly, Harry tackled my arm and threw the gun to the floor. It slid across the hardwood and I fell back into Harry's body as the room erupted into chaos.

Eric was storming over towards us until he wasn't. He was running out of the room with the rest of the Mad Men.

"Harry," my hands shook as I pressed down on my bullet wound.

"Hold on, baby," he pulled me across the floor and propped me against the wall. "Stay with me!"

Harry's body left mine and I watched him bludgeon a wandering dead one that came into the room. I pressed my weak hands against the hole in my side and winced in pain. Blood was shooting through between my fingers and I felt my body growing weaker and weaker as time went on.

Harry was fighting to keep some of the dead out of the room. As he pushed and slammed the door closed, he locked it and slid a dresser in front of it. Then he came running back to me, "Hold it tight. Hold it tight."

His large hands pressed over mine and I moaned in pain. Tears fell down my cheeks as I thought about this being the end. Harry frantically reached and grabbed a towel from the rack by us sitting on the floor.

"Lay down, lay down," Harry eased me to the floor as I heard the dead ones growling outside of the door.

"I'm going to die, Harry," I shook and felt my body growing colder. "I don't want to die."

His scared green eyes met my fearful brown ones.

"One of the things I love most about you, Jane, is that all your courage comes from your survival. You live fully even in this shit fucking world. Don't worry, baby. You're going to be ok, you're going to be ok, you're going to be ok," he rambled as he removed my shirt and looked closely at my gun shot wound.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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