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Jane's POV

"And us? Are we safe?" I whispered as he stared back and forth in my eyes.

Harry answered me, "I'm working on it."

"So is Christian," I fessed up and Harry's eyes lit up with a strange sense of curiosity.

"What?" Harry flared his nose. "Is he...is he against Eric? But he-he took over the camp with Eric. Christian killed people, Jane. You can't trust him. You can't trust any of these guys. They all killed our people."

"I trust Christian as much as I trust you, Harry," I admitted with a stern tone. My eyes ran wild over the man I still loved with every part of me. But he was different. I was different. Everything was different.

Harry stayed silent and put his head between his hands.

"He's a fucking Mad Man!" Harry spat at me with fire in his eyes.

"So the fuck are you, Harry!" I shouted back with anger coursing all over me. "So the fuck are you," I whispered softly as the realization hit me Harry was no longer the man I once knew and loved.

"Jane," Harry frowned and winced his head away from me. He shook his head slowly as if he wanted to knock that information out of his ears. His eyes couldn't meet mine and I wondered if it was because of his guilt.

Just then Christian's bedroom door opened and Eric walked in with a few Mad Men. I stood up and pulled my gun on Eric, then back on Harry, then back on Eric.

"What is this?! You set this up, Harry?!" I backed away from the five large men closing in on me.

Eric's eyes danced on mine and I saw the excitement in them. He was ready to kill me and I was ready to kill him. If I fired my weapon, I was dead. But if I didn't fire my weapon, then I was likely to be dead shortly anyway.

"OOOOO!" Eric sang with a wild smirk spread on his cheeks.

"What?!" Harry stood from the couch and looked at me with hurt spread all over his face. "Jane," Harry warned trying to reach his hand over to push the front of my gun down.

But instead, I trained the hand gun on him and the man I loved lifted his hands up to his ears.

With tears falling down my cheeks, I took a step backward as my heart broke into a million little pieces. "I trusted you! You promised me you'd find a way out of here! You lying son of a bitch!"

"Jane, Jane, Jane," Eric clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. He was mocking me, thriving off my heartbreak.

"Jane, I didn't," Harry looked back and forth between me and Eric.

"Get down on your knees!" I shouted. "All of you! GET DOWN!"

I pointed the gun back at Eric.

None of them made a move to get on their knees. Their guns were pulled on me and I knew I'd only have one chance to kill one man. And that man was going to be Eric if it was going to be any of them.

No matter who Harry became, Mad Man or whoever, I'd never be able to shoot him. My choice was Eric. With my gun aimed at the leader of this operation, I aimed for Eric's forehead before I missed my chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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