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Crystals POV
I swear Oli's an idiot. I mean I get that Y/n likes Ej and Oli ships them but like god. Does she really think that something big is actually going to happen? No. She is so proud of herself it's kinda creepy. She's just laughing like crazy. Lj walks into he room (he left to get something idk I'm lazy) "what's going on?" He asks me. "I don't really know" I responded. I look back at Oli and she is just staring at Lj, I could tell she was about to run because she hates Lj. Lj runs towards her "Hi Oli!!" He yells while running towards her. She runs as fast as possible "hell no! Get the fuck away from me you clown!" She yells at Lj. Lj is faster than Oli so he hugs her "Nooooooo! Let go of me! Please!" Oli yells while trying to hit Lj. "I fucking hate you! Why don't you over just leave me alone! Crystal! Help me!" Oli yells. I just laugh and watch. Oli starts to cry and scream like a baby. Sadly after awhile Lj let go, Oli was so glad he let go. She just ran away and hid.

Oli's POV
After that devil clown fucking thing abused me I ran and hid in hoodies closet. He wouldn't care if I hid in here. Out of nowhere I remember that the closet that y/n and Ej are in is right under hoodies room. I laid down on the floor and listed too them.

Ej's  POV
I could hear Oli crying but I didn't care. It was probably Lj again. I try to figure out where y/n but it's dark in the closet. I do kinda have feeling for her but I'm not planning on making any moves. Once my... eyes? Adjust to the darkness I can kinda see where she's at. "So.... this is kinda awkward" I say. She looks at me "yeah, I mean I have barley even been here and look where I'm at" she says laughing "well you just fit in I guess" I say. I think I might as well make the first move, if she rejects me I can just get over it and move on. I don't want to get a really big crush on her for her to just reject me. "Hey, are okay?" Y/n asks me "oh yeah, I just need to tell you something to get it over with" I say. I think our time is almost up so I can just run up to my room after I tell her. "I kinda like you?... you know what fuck it I love you y/n!" I say the first part quietly but get louder as I say it. "I-I uh" y/n stutters our. I run out of the closet even though I'm not even sure if our time is up. I run strait to my room. Oh god why did I do that.

Crystals POV
I see Ej run out of the closet. Something must of happened. Then I see y/n come out of the closet and walk to her room. She comes down wearing a jacket and she walks outside. I watch her walk into the forest and she walked to somewhere I have never been before it was at the ledge of a mountain. She swung her legs over (don't worry your not committing suiside) she just watched the sunset. It as really pretty but I'll leave her alone I guess this is where she goes when she feels like she needs to get away from everything. We all have one. I start to walk back to the mansion. I knock on Ejs door once I get there. He opened the door he looked tired "what do you want?" He asks me. Rude much. "So I kinda saw you and y/n walk out of the closet and I'm guessing something happened and-" I said before I was cut off "I don't want to talk about it so don't ask" he says interrupting me. "It's not that" I say holding the door open "I saw her in a part of the forest I have never seen before and I think you should check on her" I finish, he pushes me out of the way and walks out of the mansion. "You don't even know where it is!" I yell. He walks back in "it's on the edge of a cliff and ther-" he cuts me off AGAIN "I already know where that is" and with that he just left.

Y/n's POV
I was sitting on the edge of the cliff just watching the sunset. "I can't believe what just happened, my crush said he likes me! What do I do what do I do! Okay I need to breath." I think to myself it's just crazy. I've liked him before I even knew he was real! Then out of the corner of my eye I see non other then... Ej. "Hey,I'm sorry about earlier" he says while looking at the sunset "it's fine." I say. Then there just is an awkward silence. Out of nowhere I rest my head on his shoulder while watching the sunset. I could tell I surprised him because he jumped a bit at first but then let me rest my head on his shoulder. I feel his hand touch mine a bit as if he was scared to do so. Then I just got the courage out of nowhere and I just grabbed a his hand as if we did that all the time and if we did do it all the time I wouldn't mind. I take my head off of his shoulder to look at him and say "I love you" then I rest my head on his shoulder again...

"I love you too"

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