Into the closet we go...

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Your Pov
I woke up and I was more comfortable than usual. That's when I remembered last night. 'I'm in the same bed with Ej... oh my god.' I suddenly feel weight around my waist and I see Ej's arm wrapped around my waist. I blush... like a lot. Just as I was about to try and get out of his grip, I just froze. 'It's actually pretty comfortable here... maybe I will just enjoy it until he wakes up...' I thought

I hear feel moving behind me. I know it's Ej already he finally woke up. It felt like hours but it was probably only a couple of minutes. I felt the weight around my waist get lifted off and I fell the bed get lighter. I knew he got up.
He put his shirt on he just as he was about to walk out the door I said "well finally your awake" he slowly looks back at me "you just stayed there till I woke up?" He questioned. "Umm... yeah.." I said back kinda looking away. He just laughs and walks away. I get up and get dressed to go eat breakfast.
I'm there earlier this time so I didn't have to sit by Ej if I didn't want to. So I decided to... sit by him. Again he looked at me. Then he smiled and said "why are you sitting here again next to me? And you don't even have to!" "Well your pretty much the only person I know here and I would say we are pretty close. At least I think..." I said "I'm not complaining though. My friends. Even though we hang out 24/7!!" He raised his voice for the last part while looking at Jeff and Ben "won't even sit with me" he finished calming down. I try not to laugh but I laugh just a little. He punched me in the shoulder playfully "what are you laughing at?" He asks smiling "nothing" I say trying not to laugh.
After breakfast Ben asked if I wanted to play games with him, Jeff and Ej. I said I would but mostly because of Ej. We played some Mario Kart. Later I took a break and went up to my room. "Man I really need to fix this room" I said to myself. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Heyyyy y/n" a girl I didn't know said. "It's me Oli!" She said. "Oli?" I asked "yeah, remember I met you at the park a loooong time ago. I ran away from my 'boyfriend' at the time." She said. Then all of a sudden I remembered. This girl helped me all the time she would have problems with her father and boyfriend but as soon as I was a little bit sad she would ignore Everything that was happening in her life to cheer me up. "Oh my gosh... Oli!" We hugged for awhile. (I hate when people put oc's in the stories but I can't help myself okay? Okay.)
"Hey do you want to go to ikea? To get you some furniture. We can just pick pocket Somone." Oli asked me "hell yeah!"

We found some old man and stole his wallet and he had a lot, I mean a lot of money. We hit a jackpot. We went to ikea bought some (f/c) paint, a new mattress, a desk, tv, blankets and a bunch of other things we didn't need. Then we went shopping for clothes considering that I will probably become a creepypasta or else it would just be a waste of a room, time and food. Afterwards we just got a bunch of junk food. We got a shit ton of ice cream, candy, and a lot of (f/f).
When we got back to the mansion we were so tired and it was super late. Ej walked up to me "do you need help?" He asked "thank god you asked" I said relived. We all walked up to my room and me and Oli started working on it right away. We changed the mattress, made my bed, set up the tv and cleaned out all of the useless stuff. We got out all of our junk food and started watching movies while eating it. "I have an idea" Oli said out of nowhere "what?" I asked but not taking my eyes off the movie "Lets get our mans to watch a horror movie with us" she said smirking "I don't have a boyfriend, idiot" I said. Then I realised that she was talking about Ej. She ran out of the room and got Hoodie. On the way back she just told Ej that we were going to watch a movie. She never said what kind of movie and who he was watching it with.
Oli made Ej sit next to me. While Oli and hoodie just cuddled, me and Ej were just very awkward.

Oli's POV
I whispered to hoodie and said "we should play 7 minutes in heaven but I will make sure that y/n gets Ej. It's obvious that they like each other" "I agree" hoodie said back to me. We finished the movie so they didn't get suspicious.
We told them to go downstairs and to just watch Ben and Jeff play video games. Me and hoodie got everyone else except for Sally and Lazari.
Once everyone was downstairs I told them to get in a circle. Then I yelled and said "we are playing 7 minutes in hevan! We are doing spin the bottle version!" I could see y/n slowly getting up to run away. "Not today y/n!" I grab her arm and she tries to get away "Nooo let me go O-" I cut her off and said "Red hood. You call me Red hood when there are others." I make her sit down.
I choose Ej to spin the bottle first. It landed on y/n because I put a clear pieces of double sided tape on the on the carpet to slow it down so it should land on y/n and it worked. "INTO THE CLOSET YOU TOO!!!"

I'm finally done.... kill me. I think I'm going to make a small chapter after this one to show what the oc's look like Red hood/Oliver and Stitches/Crystal boi boi for now

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