Chapter 4

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Third POV:
Who are you? the man asks as he walks out of the alley. way.... is the only thought in each member's mind.
The man looked at them intensely, while BantanVengers just looked shook.(except taehyung lol).
The man was none other than....

Captain America. the fictional character in the marvel comics and a very strong and brave hero in the MCU (marvel cinematic universe). His real name is Steve Rogers (in the comics and mcu tho) the actor's name who plays this character is Chris Evans.
but BangtanVengers didn't just see Chris Evans, they saw Steve Rogers.

but BangtanVengers didn't just see Chris Evans, they saw Steve Rogers

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Captain America- Steve Rogers

Captain America- Steve Rogers

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his shield

BangtanVengers just stood there frozen, eyes widened and jaws dropped.Some of them even thought they were delusional and were just dreaming, while the others were just screaming in their heads.Taehyung got annoyed and began
"We're the BangtanVengers" he bluntly said
"Where did you come from?" asked Steve.
"Earth, i guess" Taehyung said while rolling his eyes(underneath his mask)
"I didn't mean that.I meant I've never seen you here before.Do you cause harm and why do some of you have the same suits as us.?" asked Rogers again
"Well maybe they have the same suits, because the Avengers aren't real in reality and also we don't cause any harm. i mean they don't." Taehyung said, the last part not that hearable.
"What do you mean 'we aren't real'?" asked the other one confused.
"..." Taehyung was kinda surprised now, not because pf meeting Captain America, but because
"I can SPEAK English!!! omg i understand and talk fluently in it, thank you for giving me this powerr!!!" Taehyung said it again in English.
"Namjoon hyung- omg i can speak English!! ha! now you can't tease me!"
Namjoon just remained silent, while Steve was looking at Tae as if he was crazy or something.
"Namjoon hyung, I ain't explaining nothing. Too much talking so umm... act like a leader now, i guess?" he turned around to RM and looked at him.
"umm... yes of course i...I. Yeah we are BangtanVengers and we really didn't know we would meet you here. We are big fans! but i dont think this is the right place to be here for us umm... so yeah" Namjoon breathed in
"We're Koreans, I mean one is Chinese but you know still.. " he said while looking at Jackson
"I'm Kim Namjoon, but can call me RM" he said
"I am Steve RoGers" (insert i am groot voice😂)
"Can you all come with me to the Stark tower, because I am not sure who you still are.." Steve said to Namjoon, while Namjoon just nodded.
great!I guess we can go now.." Steve said
As Steve strarted walking and guiding the way, he saw people in the air. Not just people, but members of BamgtanVengers. He was looking at Jungkook who was swinging on webs, then he looked at Hoseok who has flying with his wings, then he looked at Hani and Jennie who were magically up in the air and lastly he looked at Yoongi who was using his suit for flisht. they have similar powers to the rest of us. he thought but gradually ignored it.
Soon they were all at the Stark Tower, going up to the Avenger's base(?). When Steve went in, many voices filled the air.
"Cap! You're back!" a voice shouted
"so what happened? a voice asked
"Captain!!! Tell me about everything, please!!" asked a childish boyish voice
Steve signaled them to calm down and began talking
"ok, soo... we have some visitors..." he said as he pointed to us and we walked out of the place we were cramped in(they were literally hising)
"woah, who are you?" a female voice asked. The female was Natasha Romanoff also known as Black Widow, similar to Moonbyul.
They all stared at us.Silence filled the air.
"omg Iron Man i'm such a big fan!!' Jungkook said, excited.
"Kookie..." both Jennie and Yoongi said in unison, embarassed, face palming.
"umm ok" Iron Man, real name- Tony Stark said as he looked confused at the younger.
. . . the room stayed silent again . . .
"We have to talk" said Captain America to the BangtanVengers.
"let's introduce ourselves first!" exclaimed Hoseok, happily.

boiii things are about to get wild
i hope you enjoyed this chapter
I may also only include the superheroes who each BangtanVenger members are(?)... like iron man,cap,black widow, scarlet witch, black panther.....
soo yeahh i wrote this at night cuz i was bored and yeahh hope u enjoyed 😊🥴😏
baii bishes!!

The Power Within Us (BTS and Avengers ff)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя