Not Happening (Skylin)

Start from the beginning

"Cade give me a warning in advanced next time! I don't know what to wear!"

He shrugged, "ask addy."

I groaned already nervous," when do I have to be ready?!"

He took a sip of his coffee," not until 3 you have some time to get yourself pulled together."

I rolled my eyes walking away, " you have the punishment of cleaning my dishes." I heard him laugh behind me while also responding, "I like those shorts, you should wear them more."

After talking with addy I settled on a black long sleeve with a brown button up skirt and black tights. I also got rid of my purple tips I felt like it was time to settle for a less hipster look.

Did I mention I was extremely nervous! I was meeting Cade's family and knew little about him and that was just him! Cade greeted me with a smile at the door, "stunning sky" I gave him a nervous look and he laughed," relax my parents already love you."

I was looking at a beautiful mansion in awe. The sight gave me a light headed feeling as if I had seen this place before.
The minute we pulled into the drive way Cade looked at me holding out a fist bump, "ready to do this thing?"

I smiled fist bumping him back," we got this mate." He got out first and held the car door open for me offering his arm when I stepped out. He steered me toward the front entrance where his parent greeted us. 

Cade's mom smiled warmly at me, " so glad you could make it dear."

I smiled back, " wouldn't miss it for the world."
Cades dad patted him on the back and nodded towards me.

The place was mesmerizing the entrance all marble with double stairs. Multiple people were standing around talking and laughing with each other. I had no idea cade had this many blood relatives, " you didn't tell me you have 100 relatives."

He laughed softly, "probably half that but my grandparents had 8 kids."

"How did your dad become alpha?"

"I'll tell you later, I want you to meet my sister."
I knew he had a sister but she was never in the lime light. Cade lead me to a small group and said to a girl with long caramel colored hair, " Claire!" This beautiful girl turned around with Cades charming smile, "Cade." She reaches out and hugged him, " what have you been up to I haven't seen you in years."
I was curious at the remark.. years?

Cade laughed not answering her question, "Claire this is my mate skylin. Skylin this is my older sister Claire."

She looked at me reaching to hug, "welcome to the family skylin! I can't believe Cade finally found you!" 

She then introduced me to her mate josh who was also good looking.
After Cade introduces me to too many people that I couldn't keep track of names it was time to eat dinner. We all entered this huge dinning area that held name tags for each person. There were different table that each held the immediate families so guess where that landed me with Cade, his parents, Claire, and josh. Talk about intimidation.
As servant brought out food Cade's father stood up each person grabbed hands to those next to them, he began a toast, " I thank you all for coming today and celebrating the life we live. Today we have gathered to celebrate the meaning of family and remembering my eldest Collin," instantly i remember what addy had told me so i squeezed Cade's hand offering my sympathy. He looked at me giving a sad smile, "I thank you all for the love and support offered each day. Let's all take a moment and remember collins life as if he were still here with us. I know he is looking out for us each day and will not be forgotten. Thank you all."

Once every one had finished eating people began to talk and move around. I told cade I was going to the restroom but I really needed some air. I wondered through the house finally finding doors to the back. I stepped out into the back porch, "oh I'm so sorry I can go back in.." She shoed me, "no no skylin you are perfectly fine."

Mate or Not I still dont want youWhere stories live. Discover now