Not willing (Cade)

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**Above is the pic of Cade based off of Ben Bowsers.

Ch. 1: Not willing

Cade's parents-

"Marvin will you please let my son know to meet us here at 5 this evening."

"Yes of course sir."

He signed looking down at his wife as the servant left. She said," Is it really necessary to tell him so soon?"

"Isabel the boy only has a couple months, at the rate he's going he will never become alpha. Cade needs to start looking for her as soon as possible."

She signed,"Yes your right the boy is too stubborn for his own good."

"If only he'd clean up his act and get it together."

Isabel sadly smiled," Once he meets his mate he will change for the better."

"I hope your right, he's the only one we have left."

She gazed down," Unfortunately it had to turn out that way."




I woke up the next day with a huge hangover, which was a first considering they've never lasted this long before. I turned over reaching for the clock hearing a small moan come from the right of me. I peered over and sure enough I had a sleepover. I cussed a couple words as I watched the blonde sleep peacefully. I then read the clock signing at the time 6:00 sharp. I carefully got out of bed trying not to disturb the girl, known as Lacey, next to me. I walked to the bathroom pulling on a pair of shorts, grabbing my black shades and a cigarette heading to my glass door that lead out to my balcony. I stepped outside with a chill that ran through my body. It was still dark out with a light breeze that smelled of rain. Reminding myself that Lacey was in my bed I knew it had to have been a ruff night. Events of the night flashed through my mind, I remembered Brent came to me telling me he could sense his mate. Once he said that I felt a huge wave of betrayal flow through me. Next was a flash of smoke all around me laughing hysterically. I shook my head, I always get drunk and sometimes high when I get furious. I tried thinking of something else when I had the a fresh memory of bringing Lacey to my room. I signed, Lacey dont get me wrong she's great company at night it's just during the day she likes to be possesive towards me. Therefore I try to steer clear of her but sometimes its impossible.

Ashamed at the turn out of the party I hung my head low. I used to dream about my mate and how happy i would be to find her that is until my brothers accident. His accident changed my entire outlook. Now I was scared, scared to lose my friends. I wasn't scared in the sense that the guys always change after meeting their mate like Dexter changed from being a prankster to following the rules. I mean Of course I miss the way things used to be and i don't wanna change myself, But that isn't why i wasn't happy for Brent. My brothers accident scared me to never want a mate. I'm scared that it will happen to my friends and even myself. My parents always told me it was an accident but I don't believe it not after the research i did. The whole situation made me hate the idea of mates and their relationships. No matter how much my brother told me to love her I can't help but believe it was the very thing that killed him.

My head cleared as the the sun rose when I got a phone call. I exhaled smoke as I answered my phone not bothering to check the caller ID,"Hey what's up."


"They want me there today?"

I sighed I should have checked who was calling," Alright I'll be there," I answered in an annoyed tone.

I hung up with a sign," Who was that babe," Lacey asked. I looked back at her coming through the glass window with just my white button down shirt on. She ran her hands down my bare chest waiting for an answer.

I threw my cigarette on the wet ground then turned to her smirking," It wasn't important. Let's go back to bed." She took my hands leading me back through the glass door that connected to my room.

After a few hours Lacey finally left leaving me to my peace. I grabbed a pair of black shorts with a grey t-shirt and walked through the kitchen greeting my best friend, Dexter. Dexter's mate then walked up from behind," Is she gone yet?"

I smirked," Ya she left awhile ago Addy."

"Good! I don't understand why you continue to sleep with her when you can't even stand her."

I shrugged, "Eh one of the few that are good in bed."

"Ugh just stop Cade," she spoke in a disgusted tone.

I smiled at her annoyance taking a swig of the alcohol Dexter handed me. Before I could say a word Dexter spoke first," Listen up Cade, I don't know what got into you last night but you were way outta line." I nodded feeling guilty, I was expected to be next alpha and I can't even handle myself.
I handed the alcohol back to him," I know and I'm sorry."

Brent walked down stairs asking," Why was the phone ringing earlier?"

"Oh that was Marvin asking me to meet my parents today..."

"What for," he asked raising his eyebrows.

I shrugged as i started the coffee machine," Probably the same lecture I get every time. You'd think if the first one didn't work then 100th one still won't work."

Dexter being the best friend that he is chuckled,"I take it were gonna need some drinks tonight as long as you handle yourself," he grinned knowingly.

I heard Addy pout and Dexter turned to her with glistening eyes. that was my cue I turned taking a bottle of Jack instead of the coffee walking quickly to the back patio. I watched the rain drops hit the pool as I heard Lane come out,"What do you say about going to the mall?"

I grinned back at my other best friend who was always in the mood to do something," I'm in."


Mate or Not I still dont want youWhere stories live. Discover now