Not right (Cade)

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Ch. 14: Not right
** above it the layout of the backyard

"Hey Cade wait up."

I turned slowing down for Dexter to catch up, "What's up?"

"You headed back to the house?"

"Ya you need a ride?" I asked trying to get out of there.

Dexter by my side keeping up replied, "Ya I rode with Brent this morning but hes going to go hang out with his mate."

I nodded,"Where's Addy and Skylin?"

He shrugged,"They're going with Meredith somewhere."

We swerved in and out of people until she caught me.

I know Cassy was talking but I wasn't exactly sure what she was saying. Considering I was in a rush I may have just kept answering yes so that she'd leave me be.

"Great see ya then." She winked before leaving. Dexter then spoke up saying something but I didn't hear. When we finally got in the car I asked," What did you say back there?"

I started driving away as he talked, "I asked if you heard what Cassy said. Also why did we have to get here so fast?"

I shrugged," Nah I didn't feel as if it was that important anyway. I wanted to get out because the traffic is a bother."

He laughed, "Man she will be so disappointed when you don't show."

"What are you talking about," I questioned.

"Cassy. You agreed to go to the game tonight to hang with her."

This time I laughed, " I mean I guess I could for a bit."

" What about Skylin?"

I glanced at him as my grip on the steering wheel tightened a bit, trying to restrain my voice but it came out more defensive than I meant to,"What about her? She has Nate."

Dexter didn't say any response so when we pulled in the driveway I mentioned Lane's drunk a$$.

Dexter followed me into the house," If he's in his room sleeping let's pull a prank on him."

I nodded smiling to myself the little devil was comin out from hiding. As he went to check on Lane I went to change into my swim trunks.

I meant Dexter out in the hallway,"Dude what are you really going to swim?"

"Why not we have a pool."

"Ya but it's not even that hot out."

I shrugged,"Hot enough. What's the news, Lane up or knocked?"

Dexter smirked,"He's out and I have an idea."

I crossed my arms," Do tell."

"Since I'm the quieter one of us I'm gonna go in and remove all the electronics and meet you in the kitchen. You will fill the huge white bucket with cold water."

I knew exactly what he was thinking, grinning I responded," Just like old times."

Dexter snorted,"I rather not go through that again."

I chuckled walking back down the stairs. Before Dexter meant Addy,a year ago, we had this prank war going on in the house. It was Dexter and I versus Lane and Brent. All hell broke loose when Brent put color dye in Dexters shampoo turning his skin green. Little did we know Dexter is highly allergic to color dye resulting in him going to the emergency room. Dexter ended up having a rash everywhere including his dick for a week. After that we all quit the pranks at least the big ones. After I filled the bucket both Dexter and I were carrying it up the stairs. We counted to three then dumped on Lane sleeping in his bed. Lane screamed jumping out with a dazed expression till he caught Dexter and I laughing hysterically. His expression turned furious and that's when I made my departure. I dashed out of there hearing him scream behind me,"F*** you!"

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