Not over it (Skylin)

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Ch. 13: Not over it


I woke up pissed at the world for mainly one reason. That's reason had everything to do with Nates words. It would've been a perfect date if he hadn't went and opened his mouth. I signed, then jumped at the sound of yelling from down the hall," Get your a$$ up I'm leaving in 15 no later."

I hurried out of bed pulling my wavy hair in a loose pony tail. I found a my uniform top and wiggled on tight beige capris. I slipped on my chucks while searching for my keys. I gave up looking when the banging started. I walked out to the hallway leaning against the wall crossing my arms to watch the scene unfold. Cade was banging against Lanes door as I heard Lane yell," Go f*** off. I'll go later."

Cade stoped, signing only to turn and find me watching," You know I expected that from you not so much Lane."

He walked toward me smiling smugly," That's not exactly my style."

I took a step closer,"Like I believe that."

He laughed," Maybe it's time to stop assuming you know me," he then turned and went down the stairs. I followed, "So Cade ya mind doin a girl a favor?"

He was walking to the kitchen, "Depends?"

His back was turned to me," Well I just need a ride to school. I can't find my keys and no ones else is here to take me."

"There's Lane?"

"I rather not die."

He smirked," Can't guarantee anything."

"So you'll take me?"

"No,"he said walking away with no sign that he was joking.

I grabbed his hand," Wait don't leave me." Right as I said those words i had déjà vu. I started to get a bit dizzy again as my memory was sparked back to my younger self. I remember my eyes blurry from tears welling as I screamed in an marble entrance with people leaving,"NO COME BACK PLEASE! DONT LEAVE ME!" Tears streaming down my face I saw someone walking past me. I grabbed their hand," Wait don't leave me," I cried looking at the face. The only detail I could remember seeing is familiar green eyes.

I was back to reality looking at Cade's hand hearing his voice pleading me to answer," Skylin I was kidding you can come....Sky say something." He waited and I lifted my eyes to meet his, letting go of his hand," Sorry, let's go," I didn't know what or how to explain.

Once we got to the school he hadn't asked and I never explained. Before we got out I thanked him," Thanks Cade and I can get a ride home." I got out speed walking to get inside, because I only had five minutes to get to class.

I heard Cade catch up to me," Sky wait up," he shouted.

When I turned to wait I noticed all the stares we were getting. Once he caught up he asked," Why does it look like you just saw a ghost?"

"Probably because people are staring at us like we are ghosts," I spoke in a matter of fact tone.

He gave me a wicked," Wait so your saying you've never been treated like this before."

"No," I whined not liking it one bit.

He clarified," Even when your with Nate?"

Shoot I had totally forgotten about Nate I looked all around the crowded halls but saw no sight of him. Now that I thought of him I was still a bit pissed. I looked at Cade I knew exactly what he was thinking," Don't even try to tell me all of it is because of you."

He smirked,"Sky you obviously have no idea how much attention I get on a daily basis."

"Your so full of shit. Why would people waste their time on you,"I teased.

Mate or Not I still dont want youWhere stories live. Discover now