Izuku Midoriya (F)

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Hello. How are you? Just a quick note here.

The categories for a 'shot' are:

M(Mature)- Pretty much smut.
SM(Slightly Mature)- Might have some a small lemon.
A(Angst)- May include sensitive topics.
F(Fluff)- The most innocent of floof, a casual read.
In this case, the read is F.

From here on, you can find the category in the title.

OC- Fallah Storan Fall-ah).
Hero Name- Warden
Quirk- Lock. The user can lock anything, no matter what it may be.
Drawback- The users limbs may become temporarily paralyzed for an allotted time, determined by the intensity the user used Lock at.
Hero/Villain: Hero in training at U.A.
Time: Right after All Might/ All for One battle.

     A soft breeze blew, ruffling the petals of the dead flowers. Although destruction was interspersed almost indefinitely throughout the city, hope still shone. Hundreds of people had gathered together to help treat any casualties and repair the damage done.

    A girl stood in the midst of it all, seemingly holding a tumbling building in place as others looked for survivors. "There's nobody here. You can let it fall." Announced Scruffy, the dog hero.

" Gotcha. "

The girl released her quirk, allowing the building to crash into the ground. She brushed off any residing dust, and glanced at the watch on her wrist. Realizing something, she turned to Scruffy.

  "Scruffy, I have to get somewhere. Pleasure working with you." She said, beginning to carefully manoeuvre through the rubble.

"Thank you so much for your help, Warden. We're almost done here anyway." He said. Fallah waved, moving off the site and beginning to hike to her next destination. She soon found herself standing in front of a small cafe. "I hope this is the right place.." She mumbled. She walked in, greeted by a small jingle of a bell. Wandering around a bit, she finally noticed a certain green-haired boy.

    "Fallah! Over here!" He had shouted, loud enough for almost every table to look at the two.

"Midoriya! Really?" Fallah sighed. "S-sorry! I just really want to talk to you about something, and you looked kind of lost, and-"

"I get it broccoli boy. Now what did you need to talk to me about?" Midoriya's face scrunched up at the nickname.

  "Broccoli boy? Really? Anyway.. it's about All Might. I'm not really supposed to tell anyone this, but for what we'll be doing, I was given permission to clear something up." His voice turned to a low whisper. "All Might pretty much.. He..he gave me his quirk."

Fallah looked at him unsettled at first, then with amusement.         "Midoriya, yes, your quirks are similar. But nobody can just give someone their quirk"

  "Fallah. All Might can explain it better than I can, but basically it's a quirk that can be passed on. Please.. Just trust me on this?" Midoriya's tone turned desperate at the end.

  Fallah's face fell into confusion. He was being serious? She decided to just roll with it. Midoriya wouldn't lie. "Okay.. I'll trust you on this one. But why did I need to know that?"

Midoriya sighed. "After the fight with All for One, the remaining parts of All Might's quirk were sanded down to almost nothing. He's training me to take on more of his quirk, and he knew that you could help a bunch. This is only if you agree though. If you don't, just think of this conversation as a.. a.. dream or something." Midoriya was completely betting on Fallah agreeing. If she didn't, he'd be in some hot water with All Might.

Fallah was skeptical of course. She could take on the offer of her friend who might have imagined everything he told her, or she could refuse and forget. The choice was obvious.

  "Definitely! Just give me the dates, and I'll help as often as possible." What? She didn't mean for that to come out. Oh well.

He heaved a huge sigh of relief. "Thank you so much Fallah! You have no idea how much this means to me."

"No problem broccoli boy." 


Fact of the day: p, q, d, and b are all the same shape bitch like wat

Anyway, I didn't really mean for it to be this short but I didn't know how to continue without making a whole fucking boOK-

But this wasn't reeaally fluff, it was just. A thing. That I probably won't edit.

Even if it sucked, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Now get off my lawn you little freaks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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