Chapter Four: Antidote

Start from the beginning

"Pity." Snape mumbled

I finished stirring my cauldron just as Snape made his way to my station. He paused and examined the liquid in front of us. "Interesting," he said giving my spoon a flick "Seems as though you can follow directions."

"I've made this potion many times. It's one of the first I was ever able to make without consulting my book." I said proudly

He scoffed, "Being able to make the most basic potions without a reference guide is not an accomplishment. Do you want a round of applause every time you do something correct?" The girls at the corner table snickered. I lowered my head as Snape leered at me, "What is it you intend to gain from this class, Evans?"

"I plan on becoming the potions master here at Hogwarts." I replied confidently

Snape smirked "And what makes you think you're qualified for such a position."

"Well, I've been studying potions since before I started school here. I've attended every lecture you've had since my first year and I've never missed a class. Whenever I have free time, I'm in the common room with my face buried in books on potions and how to master them. My grades have never fallen below above average, and-"

"Enough, Mr. Evans." Snape snarled

I shrugged and went back to my work. Snape continued on to the next workstation

"What was all that about?" Trent inquired as he pulled my notes towards him.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never heard you speak to Snape that way before. It was pretty wild for you."

"I'm just being honest. He asked me a question; I gave him an answer." I snatched my parchment back "And stop looking at my notes."

He scrunched his nose "I'm not the enemy here, Oliver."

"I know. I'm sorry. I can't risk it this year. With the OWLs coming up, and my place in Masters Potions on the line..." I covered my face with my hands "I need to make this work. I've been on his bad side for a while now. He needs to see that I'm trying or my future is practically over."

Snape made his way back to the front of the room and picked up a tiny, black bottle from atop his desk. He pulled the cork, releasing a purple hued smoke. "I shall now begin the grading process for this lesson." Concern spread across the room as Snape curled his index finger repeatedly, gesturing for us to stand. We all cautiously stood and moved to the center of the room. Everyone was silent, awaiting further instruction.

"Come here, Ms. Wordrew." Snape pointed to the floor in front of him "Stand right here."

Melissa Wordrew was a heavy-set fifth year in Hufflepuff, who had barely spoken a word since the year began. She put her hands into her pockets and went forward to stand before Snape. He handed her the black bottle, "Drink this, Ms. Wordrew."

"What is it?" her voice squeaked

"Don't you mind what it is. Have faith in your peers that they followed my instructions...exactly."

She swished the liquid in the bottle around, gathering the strength to ingest the mysterious potion. She took a deep breath and put the bottle to her lips, letting the liquid slowly go down her throat. Suddenly, her face started to turn blue. Her eyes began to water and her cheeks puffed out. She fell to the floor and started to cough. The class gasped and stepped backwards.

"What's happening to her?!" Gloria shrieked

Snape turned his glance to me, his lips curled into a devilish smile "Yes, what is happening to her, Mr. Evans?"

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now