Chapter Ten

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Deku began to back up until Ochaco bumped into the wall of the cottage behind her. He told the girl without batting an eye in her direction,"Get in the house and don't come out, no matter what."

"D-Deku who's this guy a-and why-"

"It won't matter after he's dead, so just go in the damn house and stay out of my way. This isn't some game, this is the real world and he wants both of us six feet under." Uraraka was speechless, she had never seen Deku so tense before. She reached for the knob behind her and quickly opened the door, but her curiosity was too much for her to handle. Ochaco was sure Deku wanted her to stay as far away from them as possible, but she could not help herself and looked outside of a window and at the two men.

When he heard the door click open Deku reached for the dagger in his shoulder and ripped it out without a complaint. No cry of pain or a wince, just his eyes focused on the black-haired man across from him. The frightening man returned the affection and looked at Deku using his angry eyes. 

As the two men stood still an ominous fog began to roll in and the cool breeze from earlier began to roar. Deku's hand skimmed across the front of his green robe and slowly untied the garment. The fabric fell to the ground and left him in only the white pants he wore under it. The man standing off with Deku returned the favor by removing his jacket and standing only in his baggy black pants."You don't want this Baku ?"

"You know I love to watch you suffer." Baku then disappeared from Deku's and Ochaco's sight. He reappeared behind Deku and Ochaco's jaw dropped; she had never seen someone move like that before. Deku turned around to punch the man, but Baku was gone in a flash once again. His punch whiffed and before Deku could recover his opponent stabbed a dagger into his side."Too slow,"whispered the man into Deku's ear. He then tightened his grip on the weapon's hilt and turned it .

The blade sliced through the muscles in Deku's side, and usually that wouldn't matter but no normal man was turning the blade. Deku used everything he had to grab onto Baku's hand and slowly pull the blade from his body. He looked into the man's blood like eyes and gritted his teeth," I hate you and your damn tricks." Deku head butted Baku and caused the man to stumble backwards.

Baku growled as he placed his fingers along the bridge of his nose and there was a loud crack as he jammed it back into place."You don't seem to have the same fight in your from when we were kids; are you finally giving in. You aren't as strong as you used to be, but why ? You haven't aged a day and I doubt your magical abilities have eroded, so what is it ?"

"What the hell are you blabbing on about !"

Baku hysterically laughed at Deku,"You don't even compare to me anymore ! I could kill you and the girl without breaking a sweat." Deku glared at the man and placed a hand on his injured side."You know it don't you; that is why you're staying back and not being the overzealous hero you used to be !"

"I don't know what you're talking about !"

Baku shook his head and smirked."Where's the Izuku that rushes at me and everyone else in his way without thinking ? I know you haven't grown wiser because you've always been an idiot, even out of the womb."

"And what are you ? You left everyone behind to be someone's bloodhound  !"

"Do you really want to talk about leaving people behind ?" Baku then multiplied and his many copies surrounded Deku. They all moved in unison and as one landed a punch on him, they came back together and sent Deku flying into the air. He was sent high above the house and brought his arms up to protect himself as Baku rose into the air above him and tried punching him. Deku may have blocked the punch, but he could not protect himself from the impact that awaited him. The man's entire rib cage collapsed and his coughed up blood. The crimson painted Baku's face as he looked down at Deku and smiled. He leaned town to Deku's face and began to quietly talk to him."I seem to remember you falling in love Izuku, despite Father's wishes. You would go out after every expedition and visit a mortal woman like an utter dumbass, but I must admit you were capable of balancing the two during those days. You held the world high above the depths of hell with one arm and cared for a woman with the other, but that was not going to last forever."  He looked down at Deku and sighed,"It would be so easy to kill you right now, but what's the fun in that ? Next time we meet it would be in your best interest to return to your former glory, because if you don't I'll have to kill the woman you love again."

Ochaco opened the door as Baku began to walk away and slid across the ground and next to Deku. She could see the man's chest raising from his breaths and she let out a sigh of relief."Deku !"

The man turned his head and laid it against the ground so he could see Ochaco. He gave her a bloody smile and joked,"You're the biggest dumbass I know."

"Y-You're not dead !"

Deku slid back and tried to sit up, but cried out in pain as he moved. He groaned,"Man, something is definitely broke." He looked at Ochaco who was giving him worried eyes."I'll be fine just give me  a day and I'll be all healed up, he wasn't trying to kill me."

"This is all my fault," mumbled Ochaco as she held her head in shame.

"Yeah it is, but don't beat yourself over it, I took enough of a pounding for the two of us." Deku then motioned his hands towards Ochaco."Help me up, we've got to get going."

"You can't go anywhere like this."

"We don't have much of a choice. Even though he left us alive that doesn't mean the Regime will leave us alone. We have to jump from town to town and lay low. Once we make it to the highly populated cities we can stay there for a few weeks at a time, because they can't get a read on my location, but in a place like your town we got a day that's it. You better get used to this because you're with me now until everything blows over."

Ochaco nodded her head and helped Deku to his feet. The man threw his arm over her shoulder and the two walked together down the road and back to the hotel. As they walked down the street Deku looked at Ochaco and teased,"You're really dumb, but I'll give you some credit. You're brave and that can take you a long way in this world."

Uraraka looked up at Deku and snickered,"Was that a compliment from the mighty Deku ?"

He laughed,"Y-Yeah it was."

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