𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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I walked to the car and opened the door.
I lifted myself up into the seat and closed the door.
Jeongin stayed silent.
We drove off.

6 minutes later

"Did you have fun?" He asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, actually. I did."
"You said we were just here for business I didn't know you were going to have a party with your friends."
"Shut the fuck up Jeongin. Unlike you I don't get to see any of my friends or family. Ever. So don't try to come at me with this kind of shit. You're not my dad and most definitely not my boyfriend!"
"Yeah, okay. Whatever..."

Another 8 minutes later

"Who even was that guy you were talking to?"
"Ten? The guy i was talking to at the entrance?"
"Yeah... him. What's his real name?"
"You wouldn't be able to pronounce it."
"Really? I highly doubt it."
"Okay, then say Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul."
I laughed. "Yeah, we've just always called him Ten."
"Ahhh... interesting."
"No reason."
"Are you jeeaaalloooussss..?" I repeatedly poked him in the arm.
"Ah! Stop! You said I'm not your boyfriend! So I'm not allowed to be jealous."
"Why? Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I leaned over and wiggled my eyebrows at him.
He quickly looked at me and back at the road.
"Uhhhh... i plead the fifth."
I sat back in my seat with a smirk.
"Hey! Stop it! I'll smack that smirk off of your face."
"You can try!"

He pulled over to the side of the road.
"What are you doing?"
A car drove past us.
He was visibly relieved and relaxed.
"What was that? Was someone following us?"
"I don't know... I've been feeling like I'm being watched lately."
"By who? Do you think that someones planning an attack?"
"No, more-so that someone is just watching me. Nothing hostile."
"Has a family member or someone that loved you passed recently?"
"Not that i know of...."
We sat there in silence when i felt it too.

"What does it feel like?"
"I don't know... it almost feels like someone calling me but I don't know where to look.. it's hard to explain. I always see things moving out of the corner of my eye. And I've been feeling really paranoid."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I don't know, I've just never seen an opportunity to."
The silence was back.

"Did you think i was going to kiss you or something?"

The question made my heart beat a little faster.
"Uhm, no. Of course not."
"Yeah, suuuuree."
"Okay yeah... maybe a little."
"Would you like that?" He smiled brightly and stared into my eyes.
"....why do you care?"
"Wow, you really are hard to break."
"You're right."
"Be honest.... would you mind if i kissed you right now?"
"Jeongin! You have zero game! You're not suppose to ask, just do it. Like this."
I kissed him.

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