Chapter II

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"Hey princess, found a new dinner date?" Gwaine teased as he saw a boy with a cherry red scarf around his neck. Arthur pushed Gwaine jokingly. "So what's your name lucky lad?" He asked.
"Merlin." He replied smiling yet again- which for some reason intrigued Arthur.
After a few minutes of Gwaine and Merlin conversing on the way to the castle, Gwaine finally was satisfied with his new found information about Merlin and soon said his goodbyes.
"I've got training with the knights hopefully I meet into you again Merlin." Gwaine waved and jogged on.

The pair got to the gates of the castle and Arthur assured the guards Merlin was no enemy of Camelot and soon passed. Eventually, they both arrived and the doors to the dining room opened revealing King Uther Pendragon and his ward, Morgana. Merlin bowed as Arthur soon spoke.

"Father I've brought a guest to dine with us this evening, he healed my wounds and showed me nothing but kindness."Arthur spoke with such confidence when in his fathers presence.
Uther raised an eyebrow at Merlin.

"Anyone who shows loyalty to the Pendragon family may be shown the same, your friend may eat with us tonight now have a seat both of you." Uther agreed and Morgana smiled at Merlin warmly.

"Thank you sire," Merlin thanked.

After what felt like an hour, everyone had finished eating the delicious dumplings the chef had made as well  as speaking to one another soon Morgana retired to her chambers. Uther hastily followed after his ward and left Arthur to escort Merlin from the castle.

"It's been my honour to have dinner with you, your father and his ward. I'll never forget this if you need anything of me our paths will probably cross again." Merlin smirked and bowed as he left the room.

"Goodbye, Merlin."
Merlin made his way back home and scanned the house. He could get used to this. It almost felt as if he was back in Ealdor.

Hello again I hope your enjoying the story so far not a very long chapter but I'll work on it. Goodbye.

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