Selene's dream

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{in my dream}

Today was a special day, it was my birthday. I am turning 9 today. My Uncle Alan and Eric were watching me whilst Daddy was out doing something, probably work. Both my uncles took me out for ice cream.........ok it was more of Uncle Eric's idea, but hey, who could say no to ice cream on a hot, boiling day? Nobody, exactly. After we went out for the ice cream, my uncles took me home passed my favorite cousins shop.

"Uncle Alan, can we stop and see Ryan?" I asked in a cute little voice. "Actually, there is something we need to show you first" Uncle Alan replied. I sighed but nodded in understanding. I then felt Uncle Eric cover my eyes with his hands. "What are you doing, Uncle Eric?" I asked him who only muttered a 'you'll see' to me.

I only gave a hum in response. He guided me to a place that I didn't know that it really was my cousins shop. After hearing a few familiar voices, I heard what sounded like counting down. "3.....2.....1.....NOW!" I heard what I could only assume to be my favorite cousin say. Uncle Eric removed his hands from my green eyes.

My eyes widened when I saw my family members. "Daddy!" I yelped and ran over and hugged him. He hugged back. "You guys did this on purpose huh?" I asked as I felt someone hugging me from behind. I turned around and saw my other cousin, Grell.

"Anything for my little darling" Daddy said as I spotted Ryan. I wriggled out of Grell's grasp and ran over and hugged my favorite cousin. "Hey there, biscuit. How's my favorite little cousin?" Ryan asked me. "She's good, Ryan" I giggled as I spoke in second person and as the door jingled, in came my big brother. "TAAKA!!!" I squealed and ran over and tackle hugged him.

"Hey lil sis" he hugged back. "What about me?" I heard my best friend say from behind me. "DAAAAAGGEEERRRR!!!" I yelped hugging him. He hugged back. "Aye now, is that any way to treat yer other best friend?" I heard my other best friend state.

"DOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!" I giggled hugging her, who hugged back.

As my birthday party was going on, the sounds and smells disappeared from me and the dream turned into that of a nightmare, showing me my mother leaving my dad without a trace, except a note that said these hurtful words..................

"I'm sorry, Ronald, but I can't stay here any longer to live here with that brat of a daughter you care so much for. If you come and find me, I will kill Selene that includes everybody you know and care for. I left you with a generous amount of money to keep you and the brat living. Ronald, please take this as a warning, I will kill our daughter, if she doesn't find a husband by her 16th birthday. I know you will do everything in your power to find her a suitable husband who will treat her right. But if I don't like him, I'll personally kill the man you chose for our daughter, Ronald.



I was screaming in my sleep until I felt arms around me. "Selene, tell me what has happened to put you in a screaming fit" a familiar voice said. I looked up and was met with purple hair in my face. He had a worried look on his face. I only buried my face deeper in his chest.

He only held me until I decided to tell him about the dream I had. I even told him about the note my mother left my father and I recited the letter word for word. "Soma, I know you won't let anything happen to me" I said as I lay my head on his chest. He nodded and kissed my temple. So as soon as he went to say something, I was already fast asleep in his arms.

The next morning, I woke up and trying not to disturb Soma, I got up and got dressed in my usual Reaper outfit, which is similar to my dads, except for mine was a dress. He wakes up and sees me in my Reaper outfit and asked if I was seeing my dad. "Yeah, I'll be back later or if you want, daddy and I are just getting breakfast maybe you could join us" I insisted. "Oh alright, I'll go have breakfast with you and Mr. Knox" Soma said. "How many times must daddy and I say you call him Ronald or as dad said just call him dad and I win this argument" I said giggling.

He pouted in a way that I couldn't help but to giggle. "Your adorable when you pout, darling" I said wrapping my arms around his neck from the side as Agni walked in. "My Prince, there is someone at the door and he claims to know Princess Selene" Agni said. "What does the man look like, Agni?" I asked. He explained that he is wearing a similar outfit to mine and he is wearing glasses and his hair is blonde on top and the underside is black.

My eyes lit up. "Princess?" Agni questioned. "That's my dad, go let him in, please" I asked kindly as he let my dad in. "Yes, Princess" Agni said. "Oh and Agni, call me Selene, please" I asked as he nodded.

"Selene, you ready to go?" Daddy asked. I nodded and told him that I invited Soma to breakfast with us and he said that that was fine. Daddy and I were talking as Soma and Agni were silently following us to breakfast. Daddy turned around and told them that they didn't have to be so quiet. Where we were going, none of us had any idea that my mom would at the diner.

"Hello, how many today?" the hostess asked my dad. "4 of us" Daddy said. "Will this all be on one check or separate?" she asked. "Together" Daddy said. "Alright, follow me" she said as we followed her to a booth.

Dad sat next to Agni and I sat next...................well on Soma's lap as he insisted. Our waitress came over to our table and instantly recognized my boyfriend. "Uh excuse me but you are Prince Soma now aren't you?" she asked.

"That I a----- Mina?" Soma asked confused. I looked at Agni confused. He explained that Mina used to be Soma's nurse-maid when he was little. "I see that you now have a harem" she said sarcastically, looking at me. "Is there a problem with them, ma'am?" Daddy asked. "Stay out of it, this does not concern you" Mina stated quite rudely to my dad.

"Excuse me, but you can't just talk to my dad like that" I said as she shot an evil glare at me. I squeaked and hid my face in Soma's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and told me that she's mostly harmless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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