"Constant paranoia and nervousness, sounds like the normal teenage person's life." Loudly snorted Y/n, a cramp in his stomach appearing a second later due to [Precognition], making Y/n lurch forward, eyes wide in surprise. "What's happening?" Confusedly mumbled Y/n, shivering slightly as his bath got colder and colder with each passing second, making Y/n purse his lips as he realized how annoying this skill would quickly become.

Y/n's left eye started twitching violently as he realized what [Precognition] truly meant, it would warn him of every small disaster that may be happening, fro, stubbing his toe off of the table, or suddenly being forced to confront Kokabiel of all people later. Closing his eyes, Y/n simply pursed his lips and activated [Basic Element Control], using it in order to warm up the water, making the teen sigh in relief, as his aching muscles started relaxing.


People could be annoying, friends and family could also be annoying, but what Y/n found really annoying was the fact that his resting place throughout his lunch break was being swarmed by horny males and infatuated females. A low growl of annoyance escaped from Y/n's lips, as he eyed the source of all the commotion, the two Kings of their peerage, along with their Queen.

Both sets wore skimpy tennis outfits, Y/n didn't know how they could stand having all of that attention on themselves, but who was he to judge them and their obvious exhibitionist nature. Amber eyes traced the tennis ball as it was bounced once on the ground, quickly followed by a quicker second bounce, as Akeno was going to be the one who served it.

"Shall we start?" Curiously inquired Akeno, the proper lady like smile on her face as she saw Rias and Sona nod, her eyes quickly darting up to Y/n and winked at the teen, violently shifting her chest, and smiled as she saw Y/n's eyes drop to her large, shifting breasts.

"Let's." Calmly answered Tsubaki, her eyes narrowing as she readied her racket, catching the rusted hair of Y/n out of the corner of her eyes, sighing gently in order to calm her nerves.

Amber eyes tracked the ball as it flew between each side of the court, overall, Y/n wasn't overly impressed with the display in front of him, since it had yet to make Y/n actively try to follow the ball. Beneath Y/n the remaining OCR member gathered, unaware that the teen in question was quietly sitting above them, briefly sparing them a glance.

'I can level up Instant Dungeon Create in order for it to make a time dilation chamber, which will help, since I don't intending on attending school when the ORC members go off training.' Mentally planned Y/n, deciding that planning for the future would be a lot better than going with the flow, since Y/n realized how lucky he was, knowing the events that would happen in the future. 'Besides my Shikai Skills, I want to increase me reishi recovery even further. My level is higher than I anticipated for it to be, but I'm not complaining.' Idly noted Y/n, chewing on his lower lip, as he took a notebook out from his inventory, and began writing down his plan.

"Speaking of Y/n, where is he? I want to see how well he can use that sword of his." Giddily hummed Yumi, Y/n blinked as he put his notebook back into his inventory, grabbing onto the nearest branch before peering down, amber eyes filled with confusion as to what Yumi truly meant.

"I was hoping that school would be canceled today, but lo and behold, the school is opened." Exasperatedly sighed Y/n, hooking both of his legs over the branch he was leaning on, before allowing himself to fall backwards, allowing Y/n to look at the group of Devils in the eyes, albeit, they were upside down. "I honestly hope you're referring to my zanpakutō, pervert." Slyly hummed Y/n, seeing Koneko nod at him in respect at that statement, since just about everyone in ORC was some sort of closet pervert.

"Fight me after school tomorrow!" Boldly declared Yumi, a lot louder than she had to say it, in fact Y/n was confident that a lot of the students had heard that declaration of a fight, making Y/n purse his lips slightly at the inconsistency.

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