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Nola couldn't believe the image that was looking back at her. 

 Her hair was curled in spirals and the black dress clung to her body like a second skin. The black strap shoes were the only thing Nola approved

Though Nola thought she was beautiful she was beginning to think that the dress was too inappropriate.

Her breast was out for show, her legs were exposed - She felt exposed. She wanted to hide in her room and retire for the night.

But Nola knew tonight was the 25th birthday of her sister who was so excited about it.

Kayla stared at her sister in awe. The brown beauty in front of her wasn't the usual shy self-conscious beau that she usually was. Her smokey eyed make up was a work of art as Nola drew with a black oil paste the Chicago skyline.

Two hours she sat patiently stroking her eyelids adding red and black eye shadows to color her work. Her lips were painted a blood red with black creative lines around them. She placed gold flakes into the corners of her golden eyes.

Kayla knew that the skin difference between her and Nola was undeniable. Her olive complexion was shades away from her sister's light brown one.

But their father never treated Nola any different than the rest of his children, even though they were in a time where abandoning your illegitimate child wasn't uncommon. 

Ever since she was born Marcus knew that she was his child when her gold eyes stared into his honey ones and being known for being a playboy and birthing 10 children. Nola wasn't much of a surprise for him.

While Kayla stared at her young sister Nola was lost in her own thoughts, she was bored and uncomfortable.

She was about to to walk into the lion's den.

Richard Mario, Kayla 's fiancée, was a mad man. Not just a made man but   a Capo for the Mossetti family.

He has a dangerous aura that makes Kayla crumble to h\er feet. Nola never understood her sister undying love for the man. He was a monster

And I have to walk into a room full of them. Nola thought as she started to roll some marijuana into a piece of hemp rolling paper. She had to be calm and that is the only way She will survive tonight. Parties are not fun for her.

A black girl in an all-white ball? I don't know what the fuck Richard was thinking. She retorted in her mind

She knew everyone at Kayla 's party were going to be drinking in which she didn't enjoy.

Prohibition was intact as the law was passed not too long ago but people at these things are above the law. Not people Nola wanted to be around, but she had to deal with.

She prepared 4 joints placing them into her purse. She silently prayed for the night to be good as her sister ran around the house frantically.

On 6th and Harrison Andre sat on a lobby chair as he watched his best friend Ricky run back and forth trying to make last minute preparation for his fiancé birthday.

The young brown hair man was screaming a pond his friend arrival. Images of that morning invades Andre ' s mind as the honey eyed girl had him lost in thought.

Coming from the ball hall Ricky notice that his usual observant friend wasn't in his normal paranoid state. Finishing on the last touches Ricky walked over to Andre

" Andre what's the problem? " Ricky questioned.

The moment Andre heard his friend talking his face had harden in place.

" $10,000 in whiskey was stolen last night Ricky. Il Dom è furioso, ci incontreremo stasera dopo la festa. Spero solo che non hai niente a che fare con questo ragazzo.(The Dom is furious; we'll meet tonight after the party. I just hope you've got nothing to do with this guy.) Andre replied leaning closer to his childhood friend. André eyes watched Richard as he frowns at him

" Is there something you are accusing me of? " Ricky asked gritting his teeth.

Leaning back in his chair in the grey eyed man said, " Is there something you did that should give me a reason to think you stole from me? "

With flaring nostrils Rickey whispered to Andre "Sono stato il tuo amico per tredici anni. Pensi davvero che ti avrei tradito?" (I have been your friend for thirteen years you really think I would betray you.)

" I've seen blood brothers betray each other. Time means nothing. But enough with business we'll figure that out tonight. " Andre said patting his friend's shoulder.

" Andre there is shit we need to talk about. " Richard yelled as Andre stood up.

Andre had six men tied in a basement of Mossetti headquarters who took part in the shady crime before he even arrived.

Blood was being spilled as some of his soldiers beat the men until they spoke about every detail of the night the robbery.

Never trust anyone but your wife, your children, and the gun. These are the things that will never betray you.

His father once told him as a child. It's one of the things Andrea drilled in his son's head as a young boy.

How much you were right. He though as Richard stood up with him.

" Let's have a drink. Sooth the nerves. " Andre led his offended friend to the office they rented out for the party.

Parties was always the place the Mossetti family handled business.

Hours later when Kayla was having one to many drinks of wine at a underground bar, Nola stared dragging her sister to Mossetti hall.

Kayla being in a white princess cut dress, her beautiful black hair pinned her hair up into a perfect bun. The diamonds that hung on her neck and wrist sparkled under the moonlight.

Nola loved the work that she did on her sister skin

. Painting beautiful white stem and pale white flowers she made her sister look like an innocent dove that she was not.

But Kayla was being a timid shell of what she uses to be. Nola notices how everything her sister do now is for the benefit of Richard. To please Richard.

' Wish she could just think for herself ' thought Nola

Coming up to the building Nola remembers by heart. She pulled her sister across the street she walked upon the doorman who rushed in to alert the rest.

Kayla gasp at the sight of place as if it was a Royal palace. Mossetti towers was a place where the wealthy have, they meals in a fine dining restaurant and to stay the night at one of the beautiful suites.

Oh, he didn't! Kayla thought gleefully to herself.

Stalling her sister some she fixed the black heels that she wore. Pulling the black bear fur coat around her she looked at Kayla.

" Richard said he will meet us here. " Nola said as she led her sister through the doors of the establishment and down the glorious hallway.

Kayla following her sister longing for her man pouting because of her tipsy mindset. She hoped he won't stand her up in a 5-star restaurant.

Nola silently praised the interior designer in which everything was carved to perfection. The beautiful chandelier hung from the entrance. Catching Nola breath.

The black marble floors were polished. The lavish plush white couches set in a common area. The painting that hung from the wall to the painting beneath it. This was wonderland to Nola, gripping her sister tighter she led her down the hall.

Walking towards the two huge doors with the design of knight was carved into the black doors with golden handles. Pulling them open Kayla ' s favorite song Let's Behave blared throughout the room and bright lights shined against Nola eyes which temporarily blinded her.

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