Twenty Seven

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I glared at Marcello on the opposite side of the island. We were leaving Italy in two days and everyone wanted to go for dinner.

I, however, currently had a migraine.

"You will go out and enjoy dinner. I will stay home with Mathew and Mel."

"No, we'll stay home and we can make dinner. I can make sure you're feeling alright."

"You can bring me back take out. Couples should have time apart. That's healthy."

Marcello narrowed his eyes at me, "No that's not healthy for me."

I pouted my lips and walked over to his side. I crossed my arms and matched his glare. He gripped the granite counter on either side of my body and pressed himself against me.

"I don't feel comfortable with you alone."

"It'll be fine. Mathews here, guns are here, and nobody knows where we are."

Marcello opened his mouth the protest but I quickly held up my fist.

"Rock, paper, scissors. If I win you go."

"Why do you want me to leave so badly?"

"I think that if you're so adamant on marrying me you should get as much time away while you can. I don't want you to get tired of me."

"I want to marry you because I don't want any time apart. That's the whole point."

"Alright, alright. But we're still doing this to decide."

Marcello grumbled and we readied for the match.

"Out if three," we battled valiantly and I cheered as I won. Rock will always have my back.

I grasped Marcello's cheeks and have him a big kiss, "go have fun."

I smacked his butt causing him to jump. He spanked me in return and I winked at him.

"We'll be fine, now their leaving so go catch up." He cupped my jaw and planted one on me.

"Call me every hour. I'll bring you back lo mein. I love you." Could you even find Chinese food in Italy?

"I love you too."

Once everyone had filed out I turned and saw Mathew lounging in the living room.

I sat on the other end of the couch and looked at him.

He glanced up and raised a brow at me with a small smile.

"Remember when we would have movie nights with Luke?"

"I do indeed, Luke was a sucker for The Notebook. I had a field day when I found that shit out."

I laughed loudly and nodded, "he would want us to laugh about him like this more often."

"Yea... I miss him. 'Was the best guy I ever met, your brother. And he was proud of you and still would be."

I gave him a watery smile and rested my head against the back of the couch.

"Wanna watch the notebook?"


We both nodded and I got up to make nachos. Mathew grabbed my hand stopping me.

"I'm really happy you found Marcello, you deserve it Belle. But if he does anything boss or not I owe it to you and your brother I'll sock him right in the face."

I smiled and squeezed his hand before going to the kitchen.
Just as the movie ended my phone rang. I picked it up and pressed the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

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