Twenty One

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I hummed loudly as I searched for Lily. We had been playing hide and seek and I had zeroed in on her hiding spot.

She was definitely in Marcello's office and I wandered out loud where she could be hiding.

A soft giggle sounded by his bookshelf and I swiveled towards it.

"Okay. I give. You win Lils," I huffed and suddenly she crawled out of a little wooden part. I crouched and looked at the hidden part of the wall.

"Uncle Marcello says it's like my own bat cave." I nodded as I took that in, I grabbed her hand and brought her into the living room. I promised I would braid her hair.

My thoughts drifted to Marcello and I grew worried. Not only because of his 'mission' but because of his behavior this morning.

While my thoughts churned out the worst possibilities I sat Lily down and started this intricate braid I probably wouldn't be able to finish.

I pushed the hair behind her ear as a loud thump sounded from outside. I was suddenly alert. I was about to blow it over as nothing when multiple gunshots sounded.

I went still and quickly formulated a half assed plan.

I took a shaky breath before kneeling in front Lily, "baby why don't we go hide again? Yea?"

She glanced around as noises continued and we stood.

We quickly made our way to the stairs, Lily walked ahead of me. When silence fell over the house my heart dropped.

Low humming sounded from the entrance and I halted abruptly. I tried to calm myself and I held a finger over my mouth, signaling for Lily to be quiet.

A glinting in the corner of my eye caught my attention and I screamed as I ducked from the knife aimed for my head. I felt it knick my cheek as I dove.

I whipped my head up to see a woman with short, pitch black hair marching towards me. Her lips matched her hair as she walked with a mission.

I released a growl while leaping to grab the knife aimed for my head, "Lily go to the cave!"

The woman's eyes snapped to her as she raced upstairs. Before she could make a move I blocked her path and held the knife by my head and used my other fist to block my face.

She rolled her eyes and drew her gun, as she pointed it at my face I quickly aimed it to the ceiling and covered her trigger finger. I attempted to empty the clip into the walls while I lodged my foot into her ribs.

She grunted, "fuckin' pest."

She was fairly larger than me, probably close to 5'10. I counted off the rounds fired and realized two bullets should be left.

I tackled her down and gripped the barrel of the gun. I slid it back and watched one bullet fly out and released the magazine altogether.

Just as I had finished a fist slammed against my jaw. I flew back as she kicked me off. I cursed as my head bounced off the wall.

I leaned down and gripped the knife once again and crouched lowly. She mimicked me while grinning.

"You're just as cute as that little girl, this isn't a place for you." She sounded Italian and spoke mockingly.

I wiped my nose of any blood, "I think I'm holding up pretty fine."

"Is that what you think?"

I stood to my full height and slashed strategically at her.

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