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Marcello had left an hour ago while Corrine and I caught up. She had dragged me up to our room, winced and quickly went to change our sheets.

She side eyed me and smirked while I threw them in the hamper.

"My baby has her first boyfriend!" I cringed at the high pitch of her voice. I bit my lip embarrassedly and tried to reach the sheets at the top shelf of our closet. Corrine walked in and gawked at the large room.

She reached above me and grabbed them for me, "So... what exactly happened to the dirty sheets?"

I growled at her and didn't crack at her investigating as I fought the fitted sheet.

"Are you guys going to have babies? Will there be mini you's running around this monster of a house?"

When our bed was clean and made I sat on the bed while Corrine flopped next to me. She turned to face me and grabbed my hand to squeeze it.

"I'll be alright, you know that?" She reassures me as I sighed heavily. I knew I couldn't tell her what to do and that Marcello took care of his employees but couldn't help worrying.

I nodded and squeezed her hand. "Belle, you're happy here right?"

I smiled smally and nodded, "Probably the happiest I've been in a while."

"You deserve it, babe. I watched you for months go day to day without giving a shit about anything. I'd say this is one of the first time's I've seen you smile genuinely more than once a day."

"And I bet he gives good dick."

I exhaled at Corrine's bluntness until my phone rang and I hopped up to grab it. I saw it was Marcello and picked up quickly.

"Hi Cello."

"Hey bambina, you miss me?"

"You've been gone an hour."


"And yes I miss you," I mumbled quietly to avoid Corrine from hearing.

"I miss you too Belle. I wanted you to tell Corrine tonight someone will escort her home. We'll set up a security detail with the Bianchi's so active. Whoever drives her home will debrief her on the information I want."

I nodded at the information, "what do you think their next move is?"

"Well they still know about you," Marcello slowly grew more angry as he spoke.

"If they didn't have an interest in you before they do now with you being here for so long. I've taken precautions to keep you safe and I don't plan on being far for long."

I nodded to myself, "be careful Marcello."

"I'll be back soon."

After we had hung up and I informed Corrine of the plan she was quickly excited.

"Ohmygosh! My first mission!"

I rolled my eyes, "it's not a mission you're just doing what you do for fun and getting paid. And I'm sure whoever is taking you home will threaten you about fucking Omèrta."

"I don't have anybody to fucking tell anyways. But to celebrate I say we bake cake and eat it."

I squinted in confusion before complying. I didn't have much else to do anyway. I quickly changed into shorts and a tank top before following her downstairs to the kitchen.

When I had grabbed my phone to play music we quickly got down to business.
After two hours of failed attempts we were on our final cake. Our music was blaring as 'Mixed Personalities' played.

I laughed loudly as Corrine came up behind me and grasped my hips. She mockingly thrust her hips against my ass. I snorted while dancing to the song.

It wasn't long before I had given her a full show while rubbing my ass against her.

She acted as if she was making it rain before I stopped and shoved her away.

"That's all you're getting. I'm no whore." I smirked at her.

"I knew you were a freak! I should've brought you to the club when I had the chance."

"Who's going to the club?" Caesars voice sounded from the hallway and we spun to see him, Frankie, and Marcello in the doorway.

"Yay," I cheered quietly and hopped to greet Marcello with a kiss.

He smirked while pulling me farther into him.

"You're lucky I was the only one to see your show, bambina." My breath hitched before I bit my lip and avoided his gaze.

I saw Corrine introducing herself to the boys. Caesar was in a sling but that didn't stop him from discreetly eye-fucking my friend.

I raised a brow as she glanced at him frequently.

I watched as the three of them talked as if they'd known each other forever. Although, they were all the most... out there people I've ever met.

"Are you all escorting Corrine home?" I glanced at the clock to see it was four.

"Yea around five we'll be leaving and give her the run down. I've gotta help Marcello with some paperwork for Corrine," Frankie explained as Caesar and Corrine continued talking.

"How's Mel?"

"She's doing better, besides the cramping she's been getting lately."

I nodded and told him to tell her to come over some time soon. I turned back to Marcello while wrapping my arms around his neck.

His hands wandered lower than what was appropriate around our friends but who was I to stop him. Especially when deep down I enjoyed every second.

"When they leave I have something for us." He muttered, I tilted my head at the hint of shakiness to his voice.

I nodded encouragingly and rubbed his shoulders, "looking forward to it, hun."

Marcello nodded back before snapping once to get the guys attention. He threw his thumb behind him and squeezed my butt as a 'see you later'.

I turned back to Corrine who smiled slyly at me.

"Let's finish the fucking cake," I rolled my eyes at her.

"So... Caesar?"

"Wha- psh nah."

"Mhm, it's not like I wasn't suffocating from sexual tension."

"That was all Marcello and you!" I glared at her while putting the cake in the oven.

Corrine searched for things to make icing as I sat on the counter.

"Caesar's been through a lot. His daughter is an angel with no mom. So, I'm just saying if you actually want something with him, because I know you do, just think about every part of him."

Corrine's movement slowed as she nodded. "I'll think about it, it's just a tiny interest anyways."

She always brushed off when she liked guys, never believing they would be interesting. I could sense the need to meddle growing fast.

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