TWO- Listen contaisns the same letters as silent

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Unedited- Sorry no time to edit.


"The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent'."

― Alfred Brendel

~Liams point of view~

For the past 15 minuets I've been sitting in this red slide tower just staring into space. I've been trying my hardest not to think about everything going on in my life but so far I've failed.

A slight breeze blows through the park cooling me down a bit. They say that the weather this year is cooler then usual for this area, but its 96, stupid, degrees out side! I don't remember London ever getting into the 80s!


What the-? Ah! I fianly locate the culprit, Its a girl who looks to be maybe 17 or 18, stumbling away from a bicycle she has dropped to the ground. She looks like she's about to start crying. Well I guess I should make sure she alright. Before I stand up though she takes off running towards A clump of trees.

Okay.. That was weird. Anyway back to my thoughts.

What am I going to do now? I wish I non of this ever happened! Its all my stupid fault! People keep saying I didnt know and that I cant blame myself, but if Im not to blame who is? Sure there was other variable but its still my fault. It will alway be my fault.

Suddenly I jump there was a little squeak of someone shoe on the floor of the playground. Looking down I see the girl I saw earlier sitting on the step below me. She now instead of looking like she was about to fall apart she looks completely composed, the only visible emotion is that of sympathy.

Feeling water on my cheeks it dawns on me that Im crying. Taking several deep breaths to control my emotion, I sniff loudly and wipe off my tear. Ehhh! Im such an idiot!

Instead of remaining silent and making my embarrassment worse I think Ill just go ahead and speak.

I cleared my throat. "uhhhh... hello."

"Iiiihhhh..." she mumbles out incoherently. staring down at her hands in her lap. Is she really that shy? If she is then why would she come up to talk to me in the first place?

Before I could think to hard on this she spoke again.

"You ka?" she whispers, though her face is still down I can see a mix of emotions flash across her face. Thats weird.

I think about her question, am I okay? Am I? Before I realise what I'm saying I answer her-

"no" I can feel the wet tears streaming down my face again.

She head shot up at that and she looked and me her face so full of sympathy it almost looks like shes hurt. She gently puts her hand over mine comfortingly. Once again she looks shocked by her own action.

"Can I... errr... well... umm sorta vent to you.. well not like angrily vent just you know.... umm never mind...." I some how have managed to use an excessive amount of word to make little since. What is with my mouth today?! It keeps saying thing I think but don't mean to say! I'm a complete idiot! She staring down at her hands again. why did-

I was cut from my internal rant by a light squeeze of my hand.

Looking down I see the mystery girl glancing up at me, she chews her bottom lip nervously before speaking.

"umm I-I'm a good listener..." she mutters.

To tell you the truth I was not expecting that. I mean I just met her, she is obviously shy, I'm acting like a hormonal teenage girl, and she still want to listen to what I have to say? Wait, what do I want to say?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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