3 👾

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I walked into the luxurious cafeteria to see other school and college students eating their food with etiquette, wearing expensive clothing and jewelry. The same and even more exotic food was display inside heating and cooling machines for students to choose from, but all in tiny portions.

My phone – which was a foldable screen – vibrated inside my pocket with a notification. I opened it to see both Sarina's and Valrie's face on the screen as the facetime called me.

"Where are you, Lilya? We are waiting for you at the table," Sarina asked.

"You see, my class was instructed to eat in the cafeteria 1A, so I'm here..." They looked shocked at me again with their mouth hung open. We stayed quiet for a few seconds before they broke the silence for screaming.

"OH MY GOD!!" Valrie shouted into the phone. "First, you get to the first class wagon, and now you get to eat other free food all you want!"

"You're so lucky, bitch! I wish I could be there with you!" Sarina shouted after Valrie.

"I wish you were here too. My classmates are scattered, and I feel so lonely," I look around to see I knew no one, and felt very undressed and embarrassed to in such a chic place.

"Have fun there, eat as much as you want- please tell me you see this," Valrie cut what she was saying while she looked at her screen in disbelief.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I look to Sarina and see she has the same look. "Guys, tell me what happened," I asked, worried if they got something bad.

"We'll join you soon Lilya, hold up," Before I could even respond they hung up. I stared at the black screen in confusion before shrugging and going to the end of the line to grab some food.

But before it was even my turn, I felt something cold grab my arm, stopping me from walking any further. I turn around and almost have a heart attack; a Golem was the thing holding my arm. My mouth opened and closed as my body shook in fear.

What did I do? Did I disobey anything? My head hurt with all the questions flying around in my mind. I was taken even more by surprise when it let go of my arm and bowed a little. Is it malfunctioning?

"I'm sorry, Ms. Xander, I didn't mean to scare you," It spoke in a deep robotic voice before standing straight. "I was ordered to take you to your table with your food already set," It turns around and walks away as I follow it. It leads me to a table that was not only set with food, but a white cloth and beautiful blue, white, and purple flowers.

I looked over the foods on the table letting my mouth hang open with their delicious smell and looks. The ones that caught my attention were the one I ate in the train; a pink fruit with white balls with black dots, small seeds covered with thin pink skin, and strawberries. Pieces of meat on a plate with a white sauce and leaves on the top. And a gelatin-like dessert with a small stick-like thing and pudding.

"Oh, wow. This looks so good," I lick my lips eyeing all of the foods. "I don't know if I can eat any of these, I may be allergic since I never ate any of them," I look at the Golem who stood a couple of feet away from me which I was thankful. It was very scary being this close.

"You aren't allergic to any of the foods on the table; it has already been sure of it. Be free to eat anything you like. Anything that is left will be taken to your place for consumption," I opened my mouth to ask another thing but it left.

"Holy! I've never seen this much food in my life!" I turn around and see Valrie running over to the table, followed by Sarina. "This is better than getting an invite here," She mumbles under breath before taking a seat and grabbing everything that appealed to her.

"What do you mean?" I ask, taking a seat next to her.

"When we were talking to you, we received a message to come here and eat with you," Sarina sat next to me, explaining.

"That's... interesting," I reply, then grabbed the pink fruit-like thing. "What's this?" I ask, poking the white ball.

"That's dragon fruit, strawberries, and pomegranate," Sarina points each one while explaining.

"How do you know that?" I ask, taking a bite from the dragon fruit ball. It's somewhat sweet and, at the same time, bitter, but also bland.

"My dad got a job in one of the farms out of Arca where they plant expensive fruits, like dragon fruit," I nod at her explanation.

"I have to tell you guys something," I gulp down the piece of fruit and place my hand on the table to get their attention. "We got invited to go to the zoo tomorrow with my teacher. Everything is paid; food, attractions, everything."

"AAH!" They both squeal and hug each other before standing up and hugging me.

"We are going to the zoo! We're going to the zoo!" We chant at the same time while hugging each other and jumping in a circle. People near us are looking at us as if we were crazy.

"Let's eat," I pull away looking down embarrassed. Both of the girls nod their heads, and we resume our break. "We need to be at the entrance of the school at eight in the morning okay?"



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