Chapter 16

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-3rd POV-

It was a peaceful day, everyone was hanging out with each other. Bakugou was with Izumi on a date, Izuku stalking the two along with Kirishima as backup. "Izumi, wanna go check the shrine? Says here there's a mochi shop near it. " Katsuki said, holding Izumi's hand with his right and skimming through the pamphlet that is in his left hand. "Mochi!" the ash blonde smiled softly as Izumi pulled him to go faster.

At a few distance away, Kirishima looked at his companion. "Say Midoriya... Are you sure we're only here to watch over the couple and not stalking them?" Midoriya whipped his head to face his passionate classmate "W-w-w-what are you talking about?! O-of course we're not stalking! Even Aizawa-sensei said to watch over them, saying something with the lines of 'trouble magnets' and 'making sure to watch them'!! S-so we're technically just watching over them! Yeah! That's it!" Izuku stuttered, but Kirishima knew better. 'You definitely just want to stalk your sister!' but Kirishima stayed silent and followed the greenette as they continued to stalk the two lovers on their date.

As this was all happening a figure lurked in the shadows; watching, the students' movements. The figure chuckled dryly, "To think I'd see her here. I missed her.... But I cant have you... Which means NO ONE CAN!!" the figure started to cackle maniacally, before stalking his way towards the calm forest trees.

-Tito's POV-

A lot of things happened these past months, I just heard from class A that Bakugou and Izumi-chan were on a date, a hiking date. I sighed asI stopped my sit-ups, wiping my sweat away. 'don't be too discouraged Tito, it may be hard to move on from your first love but--' "what are you talking about Constantine? I'm perfectly fine. I already knew that it was hopeless, it would've hurt even more if I didn't even try. I'm just happy she's happy. As long as she's happy, I'm happy. That's all that matters." 'uh-huh, tell that to yourself.' I touched my face and felt tears. Oh... "But... To be honest... I'm not that... Heartbroken than I thought I would be. I just hope Bakugou can protect her for me." 'you've grown so much, I'm sure your-- our parents would be so proud of you.'  I felt my lips told upwards to a smile just thinking about mom and dad. "Yeah... I guess they would." I sighed and took a break, I just sat on the branch and I didn't know why but my mind just kept playing the times that I had with Izumi-chan.


"you should be more careful next time Tito-kun..." I flinched as Izumi dabbed the cotton on my face. "I do try to control my quirk... And besides... Fighting against Tetsutetsu isn't really going to be easy" I chuckled lightly while staring at her as she continued to patch me up. "there we go!  Good as new! You're quite lucky that your not gonna get Recovery's scolding... I got that once... I don't want to get them again." I laughed and stood up carefully. "Thanks Izumi-chan, you're a life saver!" I said before brisk walking to the door. The moment I closed the door though, I leaned on it and placed a hand my chest. 'OHMAIGAHD!! How did I manage to say that to her?!' 'Hah! Very smooth kid! I'm starting to see you in a new light!' I sighed and walked back to the classroom.

-Before the exams-

Uuuuuggghhhh.... My head is gonna explode... I can't get this right!! I was currently in the library studying for the written exam, and honestly, I'm not really getting anywhere with history. "Tito-kun, it's not good to bang your head on the table." I froze as I heard that very sweet and familiar voice. "Oh history! Are you having trouble with it? I can help you if you want!" I turned my head to face her immediately, but quickly regretted it. Because my action caused me to have a stiff neck. "ah! Stiff neck!!" I heard snickers but ignored them and focused on Izumi's giggling. Ah... She is so cute... Wait NOOO!!! BAD BRAIN! NO DIRTY THOUGHTS!!! "so does that mean you'd like me to help you study?" all I could do right then and there was stiffly nodding my head.

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