Chapter 15

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-3rd POV-

Izuku's team had entered the arena, speaking in low tones. "We need to ascertain or enemies' location, but once we've encountered them we can't casually exchange words. I'll be the decoy, Micchan can assist. You guys know what to do. " Izuku instructed determinedly. 'although I'm still uneasy about one for all... I'll have to be careful not to get caught with Shinso's brainwashing.' Izuku thought as he moved forward.

Meanwhile Izumi who was with the others had her eyes closed while Mina guided her by the hand. "Three of them are grouped together... Monoma-kun and Shinsou-kun are separated too...!! Get ready for an ambush!!" Izumi warned and slammed her medical bag to a bolt that was aimed at her left. "everyone be careful! Shoda-kun might have used his quirk on those projectiles." the moment those words escaped Izumi's lips, the bolts and nuts came crashing down on them with twice the impact strength. The four of them all had their backs together, trying to get away from the projectiles. A few minutes later though, a loud crash could be heard from a distance. I came from none other than Izuku, One for All was acting up and because of this black tentacle-like wisps rampaged around the area, causing destruction. Izumi didn't know why her brother's quirk was acting up, but she knew that if this continues on then everyone might get hurt.

"Deku-kun!/Onii-chan!" both Izumi and Ochako simultaneously jumped at Izuku, trying to hold/calm him down. "Shinso!! Brainwash him!!" Ochako yelled at the top of her lungs, while Izumi hit a specific pressure point on Izuku's forehead after Izuku answered Shinsou. 'he's unconscious...' Izumi whipped Monoma who suddenly lunged for an attack, "Izumi-chan! I'm going to bring our class victory! So don't try and help them!" "Stop being mean!" Izumi responded successfully giving Monoma a sucker punch.

A few more moments later Izuku woke up and reassured Ochako that he was alright. Seeing the slight opening, Monoma did a speed vault on Izumi to get to his target. Which was Izuku and Ochako; Ochako dodged the incoming Monoma and yelled out "Izumi-chan! Shinsou is getting away! Help the others please!" without further ado, Izumi followed Shinsou. As she ran, she rummaged her support bag blindly trying to get a specific item. Once the item was in her hands she threw what seemed like a seed towards her target.

"Did you think you'll--" before Shinsou could finish his statement, the seed exploded and spores filled the air within 5 meter radius. Smiling brightly, Izumi was able to catch up and wrap her vines around Shinsou. "That seed from earlier is a support item I got from Hatsume-san. It took me days to fill those up with spores." Shinsou rolled his eyes unable to speak due to the paralysis. He was frustrated, he wanted to fight Izuku, to show his progression. But he should have known that Izuku was not the only witty one. Izumi helped Shinsou up to bring him to the prison, although she was quickly thrown back by a kick from Shinsou. "Thanks for the advice, but maybe next time you should estimate how long the paralysis can take." Izumi groaned and and rolled to the side before getting caught by Shinsou's binding cloth. "Micchan!!"

Meanwhile as Shinsou and Izuku engaged on a one-on-one battle, Mineta and Mina was doing well on their own. Mineta throwing as many 'grapes' as he could all around trapping class B, while Mina melts and showers acid towards her enemies. 'This is bad. I can't let these two get hurt since their more of long distance fighters.' Shoda thought as he continued to defend Reiko and Yui.

The moment Izuku called out to his sister, Izumi took the chance to sneak off while Shinsou was distracted. She rummaged through he support bag once more and pulled out a vial containing cactus juice. 'I'm sorry everyone, but it's just for a little while.' she thought before drinking one fourth of the juice inside the vial. 'Still so sweet~' 

Izumi grabbed her little flashlight and sent a signal to Mina, who was fortunately facing Izumi's direction. She quickly grabbed Mineta and covered his nose and mouth along with hers. This action confused Shoda and the two girls but their confusion slowly turned to realization when they heard Izumi's voice. "Confusion!!" soon the area was filled with white smoke-like gas.

Confusion - a technique that Izuku created by consuming cactus juice. She is able to convert the liquid she consumed to gas and secrets the said gas into the air, creating the smoke-like appearance.

Fun fact: if you drink cactus juice too much you'll be crazy like Sokka lol


Soon after, the battle training was over but the three affected by Izumi's surprise attack were still having hallucinations. "Hey Monoma what's with the rabbit ears?~ Oh look a giant butterfly~" a few students sweatdropped as Izumi chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry guys... I didn't expect that you would actually be this affected..."

"Alright, you know what I'm gonna say but first... Midoriya, what's with your quirk earlier?" Aizawa eyed Izumi a bit, daring her to speak. "Well... I'm not really sure myself. It made me confused too. It's like something I trusted turned on me. It was truly terrifying." Izuku explained and without missing a beat Mina teased Uraraka. "Aha! So Uraraka-san has a crush on onii-chan! Just like how Tito-kun has a crush on me!" "IZUMI-CHAN WHY?!" Tito couldn't help but curl into a ball. Wanting to hide and crawl in a hole while Ochako blushed and hid her face. Aizawa placed his hands inside his pockets and announced loudly "Shinsou will be joining the hero class starting on his second year. He has what it takes to be everyone's equal here." everyone cheered but unfortunately, Monoma couldn't keep... Quiet.

-3 hours later-

Class B were all hanging out with class A's dorms, everyone was doing their own thing with each other. Izuku, upon entering the common room, smelled something cooking. "Wow! Izumi-chan cooks like a professional!" Uraraka said in awe as Izumi continued to cook supper for everyone. "I'm not really that good... I bet if chef Gordon Ramsey tasted my food he'll shout at my face." Izumi chuckled nervously imagining it actually happening. "Dinner tonight is beef stew!" Iida informed the sweating broccoli as he brisk walked passed him. "SECONDS!!" looking at the dining room, Izumi saw Tito, Katsuki, and Uraraka at the table, raising their plates for their second servings. "I'm glad you all like my cooking! I'm really happy! Ah, onii-chan come eat too!" Izumi happily invited while giving the three hungry ones their seconds. "Kacchan shouldn't eat too fast... -would you like some tea Izumi-san?- oh thank you Yaoyorozu-san!" it was rowdy but other than that it was a peaceful night.

As days turned into weeks winter came, which means Katsuki and Todoroki finally have their Provisional Licence!

Meanwhile with Izumi she was making scarves, one for her special people. She was also in charge of Eri at the moment as Aizawa had important business to take care of, of course she didn't really mind. She really enjoyed spending time with Eri, the little girl was so well behaved. "Mii-san, is it fun giving presents to other people?" Izumi looked up from her work and smiled at Eri, "Well, I'm not sure about other people, but, whenever I give presents to the people I love I feel really happy. Their smiles make me warm inside, it's like giving others happiness." Eri stared at Izumi for a few moments and smiled. "Can I give presents too?" "Of course! I'm sure whoever you'll give presents to would be very happy!"

Hmmmm I'm not that contented in this chapter.... I wonder why...

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