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Kim Namjoon
Nickname: Dimple Dork✨
Music composed, on Jin basketball team. Break everything he touches. Y/n child since she always fix everything he broke.

Jeon JungkookAge: 19 Nickname: Bunny 🐰 Have a crush on you since 15

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Jeon Jungkook
Age: 19
Nickname: Bunny 🐰
Have a crush on you since 15. But Jin won't let him confess cause he is a playboy in the University. A hacker and play basketball one of the best player on the team.

Min YoongiAge:22 Nickname: The Cold Dude ❄️Song writer and love basketball

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Min Yoongi
Nickname: The Cold Dude ❄️
Song writer and love basketball. Took time to open up. From Deagu he leaves Daegu because his parent didn't support him and he just broke up from a 3 year relationship.

***A Few Year ago******U

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***A Few Year ago***

The babysitter throw you on the bed and got on top of you. You hit him and try to push him away. But he was too heavy and too strong. He was a 30-year-old man and you were only 11 years old.

Y/n: Get off of me!

The guy ignores your yelling and keeps attacking your neck with his mouth. You hit him, you begged him to stop. You scream for help hoping someone would save you. But in the end, you knew it was useless. You knew nobody going to save you. Your dad had left for a business trip. He left you with this babysitter alone in this huge mansion.

A/n: Your dad hasn't met Jin mom yet. Your mom left for another man.

The sound of the old man unbuckling his pant. You hit him harder and scream at the top of your lung. In a few seconds, you felt a sharp pain inside you. You give up, you just stared at the ceiling and
tear started to slide down your face. You could feel his thrust inside you. You could feel that he was satisfied.

This happens to you every day for about 2 weeks. After he done raping you he would lock you in a room and bring you food.

One day your dad came home unexpectedly. He stops the man and punches him multiple time. There was a woman run in she helps to cover you with a blanket. There was a boy about 13 to 14 standing at the door. Looking at you worriedly.

That how you met Jin and Jin mom.

The old guy got put in jail for 2 years. You thought he should have put in there forever. But you still glad that you safe now.

Ever since that day you started having nightmares about how you got rape. Everynight you would wake up in cold sweat and fear. Dad, Jin, and Ms.Kim (Jin mom) would always calm you down.

About 2 months later. Your dad figures it out that he wanted you to move to Seoul with Jin. Ever since then Jin always took care of you. When you moved to Seoul, you met his friends. Which is Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehuyng, Jimin, and Jungkook. Together you 8 grow up. Jin was a really nice brother even tho he was not your blood brother. But you too loved each other like blood brother and sister.


I 💜 u


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