Very important message, if you love me.

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July 26th, 2014. I joined this app a lonely young girl, looking for best friends, with a huge love for Ariana Grande.

These last 5 years have been an emotional roller coaster. It has been the most incredible ride of my life, and has been my happy place, all day and every day, for the last 5 years. Leaving this app, and you guys, is the hardest thing that i've ever had to do. I'm getting older now, and this app just isn't what it used to be.

I have made the best friends, that I could ever possibly dream of having, right on this app. My very best friend, the love of my god damn life, who i'm 100% marrying no matter what the costs (rickys ooa), and so many more incredible people that I consider lifelong friends.

I'm so grateful for every single one of you. The love, respect, friendship, kindness, and so many more things (i can't keep going, i'm crying too hard) are something that i've never received from peers ooa, and i love you guys so so much. Every single memory, the bad and the good, are something that i'll cherish for the rest of my life.

I'm leaving up my account, just for when I miss it, i'm just gonna be deleting the app. (you might see me update my book sometimes though lmao) I hope you know that I cherish every single one of you, with all of my heart. I'll never ever have friendships like the ones I had here, and you guys have changed my life for the better. You've made me laugh when I didn't know I could, and you've made me realize that there are still kind young people, out there.

I love you so so much. This app will always be in my heart, as will you be. And I'll remember everything that's ever happened, and cherish it, for the rest of my life. This was the furthest thing from an easy decision.

This wasn't nearly as good and sappy as I wanted it to be, because i'm bawling my fucking eyes out but, just know that, nothing is forever, but we can always stay in touch somewhere 🖤 you have my heart. This is never goodbye, only see you later. I love you.

-arianagrande- / italianart

Kik: lavendersmurf
my ricky fanpage: flaminhotrick

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