I found myself stepping closer and wrapping my arms around his waist, clinging to him like a daughter would with her father. "I'm still sorry, sorry that I let him get away, sorry for what he did to you, sorry that I was so quick to judge." I felt genuine shame at the way I had handled the situation.

"Ella, honey, you have no reason to be sorry. But I am glad you know the truth because I would never hurt you Ella, never," he promised and I believed him. I found myself warming at his assurance, needing to hear that he didn't resent me for not trusting him, needing his forgiveness.

I smiled up at him before pulling away and noticed a small light flicker in his eyes. "See you soon," I said before turning back to the boys and walking with them through the village.

I held Zach's hand as we walked and linked arms with Liam, clinging to the comfort of family while my mind raced. Rick was out there somewhere and he made it clear that he wasn't giving up.

And after the lengths he had already gone to, that scared me.

Once we reached the house, the three of us slumped onto the sofa, resting from what turned out to be a bigger day that we expected. "So," Liam finally broke the silence, "nice date?"

I laughed and chucked a pillow over to him, grateful for the light topic. "Shut up," Zach grumbled, frowning although I could see the corner of his lips lifting.

"I do want to know something though," Liam announced, suddenly sounding a lot more serious. The grin had morphed into a stone hard expression and I felt my heart thud.

"What?" Zach asked as Liam turned slightly so he was facing me.

"Note?" He raised an eyebrow and I froze.


"Um... I have no idea what that was about." I laughed nervously, knowing they would kill me if they knew.

He shook his head. "Tell me," Liam grumbled strictly and I couldn't keep in the sigh.

"Well, I might have found the note when you were still passed out. It basically said to get out, one of us had to kill the other. I assume his plan was that Zach would be down there with me, realise I would die if I stayed human with the amount of blood I was losing and convince me to kill him. Which I never would," I clarified.

"You damn well would if it was between my life and yours," my boyfriend grumbled but I shook my head.

"Would not. I would never let you give up your life for mine." I scoffed and he growled.

"Ella." There was the daring look I was so used to, warning me to back down. Which I wouldn't. Not about this, never about this.

"So why am I only hearing about this note now?" Liam snapped, bringing my attention back to him.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well... I figured it didn't matter since I was dying anyway and there was no way in hell I was going to kill you."

"Ella, if Zach had found us a day later - hell even an hour later - you would've been dead. You should've told me there was another option," he growled and I frowned.

"It wasn't an option! No way," I growled and his face remained stone hard.

"It was," he muttered and I clenched my fists.

"What? Liam there was no way I was killing you," I snapped, flabbergasted that he would think it for a second.

"I could've killed myself, either way I am dead which is what he wanted. Well, sort of." He shrugged.

"Are you kidding? You are right? Because there is no way you are dying for me," I looked between the two brothers, "either of you!"

"El, we want to protect you." Zach spoke calmly, unlike me.

I took a deep breath, realising yelling wouldn't get me anywhere. "Would you let me do it for you? Let me kill myself so you could live?" I looked between the two of them, already knowing their answer.

They hesitated and glanced between themselves before muttering a 'no'.

"Exactly. You can't expect me to let you die for me when you would never allow me to do the same for you. I love both of you and I don't want either of you dead," I told them fiercely. "But it doesn't matter now because we both got out and actually, it was better that I didn't tell you because I'm sure he wouldn't have let me die if he needed me," I reminded them and again, they shared a glance.

"I guess, but you should've told me." Liam sighed, mimicking Zach's challenging look.

"I'm sorry, but it seemed unimportant because there was no way I would even consider it an option." I shrugged and he kissed my cheek.

I glanced to Zach who was still frowning. "I would die for you Ella, a thousand times if I had to," he stated matter of factly.

"I know you would," I replied, "and I would die for you, as many times as I needed to. I love you Zach, just as much as you love me so whatever you would do to protect me, that's reciprocated."

"Then we will just have to hope it never comes down to it," he grumbled, pulling me into him and slamming his lips to mine.

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