Chapter 13

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\\hey dudes and dudettes. ok so 13 is my fav number so im gonna try and make this chapter extra special bc 13 is awesome.//\\i apologise for this chapter taking so long, writers block is a betch. id like to thank le frond jiminge for helping, so thanks you cunt 👍//\\im updating on xmas eve and xmas day bc ily guys so much. thankyou to everyone who read this, youre awesome//\\ finally i set pugs as the pic thing bc it reminds me of dan and pewds oops//

another quote of the day-
"boys dont even have nipples"

((text messages in italics))


I was awoken by a loud knocking on my door. I must've fallen asleep while waiting for Ashton to return, it's been an hour and a half and he's still not back. I had no time to worry as the banging on my door became louder. Ashton specifically told me not to answer the door, and right now I honestly didn't want to.

My attention was soon drawn to my brightly lit phone, pinging as messages came flooding onto my phone. I picked up the device and checked the lock screen, I had received 4 messages. I hoped to see Ash's name pop up somewhere on the screen, but just my luck nothing. All of the messages were from an Unknown number.

Unknown: heyyty

Unknown: imn cominh ovre noww

Unknown: we rly meed to talj

Unknown: it luek :--)

After I received those messages, I saved the number to my phone as 'Luke'. As I was setting the contact I received another message.

Luke: anwser te dooor

That's who the banging is, sudden realisation that Luke was at my door at this time hit me.

Alex: why should i?

Luke: becuase u loev ne

Alex: Luke, are you drunk?

Luke: waht no, im not even drunk.

at this point i was already wondering over to my window and looking outside to see if i could spot the boy outside of my door. I pulled the blinds to the side and peered out, and saw the familiar blonde hair and blue eyes of luke. He had a goofy grin plastered across his face, and his cheeks were red from the cold and all of the alcohol he's probably consumed. I rolled my eyes at his dorky action and let go of the blind so it fell back to its first position.

I hear another knock at my door and stormed over to it, lifting up the letter box and mumbled a quick 'what' at Luke.

"i just came to say hi" he giggles, and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty cute.

"Luke, just call someone to pick you up and take you home" I sighed, sliding down the wall next to my door.

"Please Alex, it's really cold out here and I'll literally be like two or ten minutes" he slurs, in his drunken state.

"Go home Lucas" I breathe out, too tired to argue with him. I hear his quiet whimpers outside, as he keeps repeating 'please'. I close my eyes, hoping to just fall asleep until i hear a large bang at the door again and Luke crying out in pain.

"See! Now I fell and hit my head. I'm not leaving until you let me in Alex" I can't help but laugh at his childish behavior. I hear him slump down by my door. I roll my eyes and stand up walk away after whispering one last time 'go home Luke'.


After waiting outside Alex's house for an hour and a half, I finally pick myself up off of the cold stone slabs and walk home. As soon as I get home I put my music on and turn the volume up as high as it will go to try and drown (lul bmth ehe) out my thoughts. I walk over to my kitchen and pull out any alcohol I had left in there, and brought it with me to the living room where I sat on the floor and popped open a drink. I sang, or screamed, the song that was on (probably not getting the lyrics right) and taking large swigs of my drink ever so often.

I was trying to get her out of my mind. I mean she's nothing special right? Just another girl. I see the screen of my phone light up, and I stumble over to try and look at the message that had appeared on my screen. If you couldn't already guess, its pretty hard to read anything when you're drunk. I stood there for around 5 minutes squinting at my phone trying to see what it said.

boss: luke, one of our guys has just been shot by that black haired dude from the other gang. we gotta get back at them.

I groaned, tired of this. I didn't wanna be a part of this anymore, but once you're in you can't get out.

My mind floods back to my recent events with Alex, oh great her again! The way I acted was so out of character and I just can't get my head around how she made me feel that way. My mind was so consumed by her, I didn't even realise I was stood right back where I was 4 hours ago; Her house.

Just when I thought I was at peace, I heard the letter box clink open and I sprung up from my position.

"Alex, I know you probably don't wanna talk to me but hi" Luke's voice rang in my ears, making me flinch as I was so used to the silence

"Oh my lord, shut up Luke!" i moaned, getting agitated with his behaviour now.

"Make me" he mutters, and i could tell by his voice that he was smirking. I didn't reply, but just scoffed as silence again took over.

"um, alex? this was supposed to be the romantic part of the film where you come out and kiss me, ya know." I gasped at his comment an blushed a bright crimson red. What have you done to me Luke Hemmings?

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