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i grunted "yes baby" as I opened my eyes to the harsh sunlight and grabbed his gorgeous face.
"i'm goin on tour" he replied.
"OH MY GOD" i leapt on top of him. There are no words to describe how fucking proud of him i was. He had gone from having nothing to going on fucking tour.
Gus chuckled as he rolled on top of me.
"Dylan said i could bring you"
My entire body filled with excitement and pride.
I squealed loudly.
"When are we going?" I asked.
"three weeks" Gus replied excitedly
"babe i gotta idea!"
"K, your ideas always end up in disaster"he sighed "what is it now?"
"A fucking party bitch"
"oh a party? Aight when?"
"TONIGHTTTT" i cackled as i rolled out from underneath him.

The entire house was full of people. The party had been going for around 4 hours now. Music was booming, drugs and drinks everywhere.
"Hey Kenz?"
I spun around and was greeted by a insanely high Bexey.
"Whats up Bex?"
"Werunouttahennessyyy" he slurred, his words all mixing into one.
"aight imma run out and get some , make sure it stays under control here" I instructed.
He nodded in agreement as i headed out.


I had been out for about an hour. I couldn't find anywhere that sold hennessy , they were all out of stock. Walmart was my last hope.
I made my way to the Alcohol Isle and scoured the shelves.
"Ugh finally" i groaned as I grabbed 6 bottles and headed over to the cashier.
As i put the bottles down on the till i felt the eyes of the woman working it burning into me.
"What?" I questioned
"Are you sure you're old enough to be buying all this liquor?"
Fuck. No i'm not. I only turned 18 last month. Its okay. Luckily for me i've talked my way through this multiple times.
"Oh yeah. I'm 23. I have my ID if you want to see ?" I blagged. I didn't have an ID
"Yeah i think that would be best" She answered doubtfully.
I checked my wallet then patted around my pockets muttering to myself, acting as if I couldn't find it.
"Damn it. I left it in my car. I'm parked two blocks away if you wanna wait i can go get it?"
She shook her head at me and gave a fake smile.
"Its fine"
I nodded at her , in my head i was relieved.
As i started to walk back to the car , i got this weird feeling that something was up. I decided to check on Gus.


sadkenz -  Are you okay babe? I got a weird feeling Xx
                                                              Yep   -lilpeep

sadkenz - are you sure?Xx
                                                               Yep  -lilpeep
sadkenz - ion believe you, imma be back in 5
                                                              seen 1:09am

I got back to the house exactly 5 minutes after. The house was at least 50% emptier than it was when i left.
"Here" I handed the bag of liquor to Bexey, I didn't look at him because i was looking for Gus
"You good?" he asked with a concerned look in his eyes
"Where's Gus?"
"Uhhhh" Bex scratched his head "i saw him go upstairs with someone but i dont know who, probably Trace or Horse"
I walked straight towards the stairs when i saw Trace and Horse sat at the table with all the other housemates.
"TRACE" i yelled over the music
"Gus up here?"
Tracy looked at me as if he was thinking of an excuse. Why would he need to do that?
I ran upstairs and stopped at the top of them.
I couldn't hear anything, but then again the rooms were all soundproofed.
I walked hesitantly towards mine and Gus' bedroom door. I was genuinely worried. Was he okay? Had something happened? What was he on? Did he take something new? Was he just sleeping? Was he tired? Was he recording something ? Was he writing something and wanted some quiet?
I rattled the door knob and the door swung open. I couldn't believe what i was seeing.
"Gus?" I whimpered.
His head shot up and he jumped to his feet.
"Kenz! Baby i -" he came towards me with his hands out.
I swung my entire body back in order to avoid contact with him.
I looked towards the bed.
I couldn't believe what i was seeing.
Gus was naked in front of me and Layla was naked in my bed.
I dashed down the stairs as fast as my little legs could carry me. I could hardly see where i was going because the tears were blurring my view.
As soon as i got into the kitchen i ran towards Tracy. He must have known what was going to happen because as soon as i got to the doorway he stood up.
"Kenz i -"
"NO SHUT THE FUCK UP" i screamed as i began punching him in his chest. I was the youngest and littlest in the house but i put all my strength into it.
"YOU LIED TO ME. YOU FUCKING LIED. I TRUSTED YOU! WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME TRACE? WHY" i sobbed uncontrollably, slowly stopping the hitting and falling to the floor to rest against the fridge. For a moment everything was silent.
I looked towards the door , Gus was stood there with a pair of grey shorts on and his eyes were welling up.
"Why?" i wept
He took a cautious step towards me.
"No. Stay there. I dont want you near me."
He stopped and looked at me with pure regret but said nothing.
"Why? Why? Was i not enough? I tried my hardest Gus. I know i'm a fuck up. I know. And i know i fuck everything up. I know" i sobbed "but this. This is the one thing i worked so hard not to fuck up. Us. You are no you WERE my everything. I have never loved someone as much as i love you. When i'm with you it's like reality melts away. How could you do this to me? You told me that you loved me less than 6 hours ago. I did everything for you. I spent the last 6 months of my life trying to make you happy. Did i really mean that little to you?" I cried , more like screamed through my sobs.
"NO. KENZ YOU MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME" he yelled as i exited the room , running after me.
"K please. Please i fucking love you."
I felt everyones eyes on us.
I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I could feel my heart being torn out. I never felt like this before. I had been through so much but this...this hurt like nothing had ever hurt before. I needed the pain to go away. I scrambled to my feet and searched for something to take it all away. There were 12 xanax on the side of the sink and razor blades in the cupboard.
As i took the xans, i stared at myself in the mirror, leaning on the sink with both hands.

My mascara had run down my face, my nose was running, my eyes were puffy and i only had Gus' yellow hoodie and fishnets on. The hoodie smelt like him so i took it off. I made my way to the bathtub and sat against it staring up at the light. The box of razor blades had split over the floor. The sharp pain of the cold metal running across my already scarred skin made me cry even more because i was thinking about everything.

*knock knock knock*
I must've fallen asleep from all the crying because when i woke up i was tired as fuck.
"Go away" i snivelled quietly.
"Kenz please"
It was Gus. He was crying and it sounded like he had been for days.
I ignored him and closed my eyes again as i began to cry silently.
"Kenz..." his voice was broken and shaky.
"Gus. Please. Leave me alone. I can't even think about you right now" i replied, my voice sore from crying and screaming.
"Hear me out k , please" he begged "you're not listening to me. You're not letting me explain" he continued.

No fuck that why's he acting like the victim?
By this time i was sat up  against the door like him.
"There's nothing to explain, Gustav. There's no excuse. You fucked your ex the same day you promised you'd love me forever. Please. I'm begging you. Leave me alone" i cried softly.


I'm such an ass. How the fuck could i? Why the fuck did i? Layla sucked me in again. I should've kicked her out damn it. I'm a piece of shit. I honestly love Kenz with my entire fucking heart. She's the only thing keeping me going. I can't live without her. It physically hurts. Although its nothing compared to what she's feeling. I can't fuck this up. Theres no excuse for it either, I didn't even take anything. FUCK. I can't lose her. I'm gunna sit at this door until she comes out. I fucking love her.

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