the beginning of something special.

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The buzzing, beeping and whirring of machines woke me up. In the distance i could hear shouting.
"Just let me in please i need to see her"
"Are you on fucking crack? I don't know you and i'm her best friend you're not coming in"
"No i'm on fucking coke bitch. Let me see her"
I recognised his voice before i could even open my eyes.
"Leigha let him in" i groaned almost silently , somehow she heard me.
She whipped her head around and looked at me as if to say 'are you sure?'.
"L" i began. She left the room and it immediately filled with awkward silence.
He stood there taking in what he saw before approaching me slowly.
"Kenz i-" he began
"Listen , you've seen me. I'm fine. You can go now." I interrupted.
"No I can't. Just listen to what i have to say to you. Please?"
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Kenz, i met you 20 fucking hours ago and i feel a connection with you stronger than the ones i feel with people i have known my entire life. There's something about you, K. It's taking everything i have to not cry seeing you like this. I know you were angry about Layla and you had every fucking right to be. I should have told you i had a girlfriend before i let you sleep in my bed , in my arms in your fucking underwear. God i'm such an asshole." he told me as he let himself fall  into the plastic chair next to my bed.
"Hmm" i said distantly.


I sat down in the uncomfortable ass chair looking at her. She stared back blankly.
fuck. she doesn't believe me.
"I broke up with Layla"
"What?" she questioned
"I broke up with her. I wasn't in love with her , I haven't been in a long time. We were together for seven months and she was cheating the whole time. Honestly? I was scared to be on my own again. I was scared to be heartbroken and have people know. But you , you make me feel different. You , just the fucking thought of you makes me feel okay. I really , really like you Kenz. I would say i love you , but ion wanna seem like a crazy ass. You're just perfect. The truth is , i was watching you the whole night at the club. You caught my eye as soon as you came in, the way you acted , they way you were dressed , the impression you gave off of a damaged , broken yet loving and lovable , adorable , amazing person. The way you were different to everyone there , you stuck out in the crowd." I looked at her hopefully as this spilled out of my mouth. I didnt even mean to say half of it but it was all true.
"Okay" she replied, still staring blankly into the sky.


Well shit. He feels the same. Oh fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
How do i know i can trust him? I been done dirty so many times. But i really like him. He makes me feel worth something. I really wanna try for us to have something but im scared.
"Try then" he whispered as he tucked my hair behind my ears.
Im such a fucking dumbass. As if i said that out loud.
"Gus i"
He interrupted me by kissing me. I felt like fireworks were going off in my heart. Everything was quiet. Reality just melted away. He kissed me so softly yet so passionately. I looked fucking disgusting too , how was he this attracted to me? I'm a fuck up.
He pulled away slightly so i could look at him.
"Okay" i whispered shakily.
He grinned at me , his smile honestly is perfect.
"Now, you think you good to go? I'm not taking you back to your place. Theres nothing there for you except bad memories , cracked tiles and cockroaches." He asked
"Im good to go"

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