the morning after

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I felt the warmth of the sun beaming through the curtains and onto my face. As i began to stir, i felt a finger run across my wrist. I opened my eyes widely to see Gus and the sadness and worry in his eyes.
"Why?" he murmured.
"What?" I knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Why did you do this to yourself?"
I shot up trying to cover up my arms but only had a tank top on.
Gus scrambled around his floor and grabbed a pink camo hoodie and passed it over.
"Thanks" i said quietly, my head hanging in shame.
"Hey" he moved my hair behind my ears "its okay. I do it too" he assured me as he lifted his arm, revealing countless scars , some fresh.
"It's fucked up , my life. You don't even wanna know" i shamefully croaked.
"No!" he leapt towards me, his face inches away from mine "i wanna know. Mines fucked up too. I met a lotta bitches , you different. I only met you yesterday, but i get a feeling when i meet someone. I can't shake this feeling. You different. Tell me"
I sighed, mentally preparing myself to tell my story.
"Deadbeat dad, crackhead mom. I went into the care system when i was three. In my second care home , i was molested by the caretaker. Multiple times. I been in 36 foster homes in total. When i was in my 11th, i met Leigha. She's my best friend , but she has everything. A family , money , friends. Everything. I have nothing. I been through unthinkable shit. When i was 15 i got into drugs. Hardcore shit , I didn't ease into it i just went straight for it. Coke , Percocets , Molly , Xans , Ecstasy, Roxy. You name it. I got depression and anxiety bad too. I'm fucked up."

Gus looked at me deep in the eyes.
"Listen. I-"
He was interrupted by a phone call.


Gus - Hey baby girl
Layla - My little babyyy i miss you
Gus - I miss you too layla
Layla- are you alone baby?
Gus - uhhh
Layla - who you with?
Gus - well um
Layla - Peep who the fuck you wit?

I stayed silent, sat on his bed in nothing but his massively oversized hoodie and a black lace thong. Mascara and red lipstick was still smeared across my face from last night. Baby girl? I'm sat here in his bed wearing basically just a hoodie, and he's got a girlfriend? My luck huh.

He ended the phone call and looked over at me. His hands were on my little feet and he opened his mouth to say something.
"I should go" I blurted out.
"What? Wait. Your clothes are still drying and you've no way of getting home"
"I'll manage" i huffed as i wandered towards the door.
I turned around "what?"
"are you okay?"
"fine. I just dont think layla would want me laid in your bed practically naked, do you?"

"Listen-" i proceeded
"No. It's fine. I get it. You seem pretty perfect, im not surprised you have a girlfriend" she retaliated
Fuck she's gorgeous.
"Before you go , put your number in my phone?"
"You got a girlfriend, you don't need it"
"I wanna be able to make sure you're okay"
I wasn't lying. Somehow she was already important to me and the though of her being anything other than 100% okay was killing me.
She threw her phone at the bed.
I thought about telling her about Layla. I wasn't even in love with her anymore. We'd been together for 7 months and she'd been cheating the whole time, i was only still with her because i was scared of being alone. I was about to tell her as i passed her the phone back but she shot off straightaway.
I sat up against the headboard. She's special. There's something about her.

I wandered in the front door of my apartment to find Leigha sat on my bed in tears.
I burst into tears.
"Kenz? Kenz I'm sorry for shouting! What's wrong? Kenz?" She frantically asked.
I threw myself at my bed and told Leigha everything that had happened.
After i told her , i could tell she was just as upset as me but she put up a front and was strong.
"Come on" she heaved as she picked me up.
"Lets get you in the shower." She instructed.

I sat down in the shower once she left, allowing the water to run all over me. I was crying uncontrollably. Screaming even. I pulled myself up and out if the shower. I stared at my wrists as i walked towards the bathroom cupboard. When i opened it, i found exactly what i had been looking for. Razor blades. I opened the box and took one out.

I ran the blade smoothly across my wrists as i watched the thick red liquid mix with the water dripping off of me. I stared at the now stained tiles that i worked so hard to keep clean. The pain was soothing. My eyes were puffy and stung from crying. I dropped the blade and walked into my bedroom, i felt drowsy and sick. As i collapsed, my phone began to blow up.

iMessage - Gus💔 is now using your location.
Gus💔- Kenz answer the fucking phone already goddamn it! You're fucking scaring me.
3 missed calls from Gus💔
Gus💔- Are you okay?
4 missed calls from Gus💔
12 missed calls from Gus💔
Gus-💔 Kenz? Answer the phone!
Leigha💘- pizza or sushi bitch?x
Gus💔- Answer the phone please
Gus💔-Kenz are you good?
5 missed calls from Gus💔
16 missed calls from Gus💔
Gus💔- you okay?
Gus- Hey i just wanted to check on you.

No Gus. I'm not okay.

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