Chapter 2

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Now, Blackwatch didn't have a fair share of women because most got transferred to Overwatch. All because the Commander didn't favor them a much as Jack did.

"What's your number, cadet?" you hesitated, and for a second the only sound was the water "Your number, cadet, now!" you flinched.

"BW-123-45-67-53777" Silence. Water. Silence. Water.

"Why are you showering this late, cadet?" Hesitation.

"I-I was helping Commander Morrison with an important project, sir."

Even though you couldn't see him and he couldn't see you, he was definitely fuming.

"One minute cadet."

You rushed through, scrubbing like crazy.

"40,39,38,37..." the more he counted, the more frantic you became.

Until you were wholly dressed and had everything in hand. With a deep breath, you quickly exited the cubicle without looking at the commander and hiding your face.

For the most part, you missed the slight shock on his face. Your pajamas consisted of short fluffy pants and a standard white shirt. Yet in the heat of the moment, you weren't concern about how revealing you looked.

"Cadet!" You halted and flinched " I want to see you in my office first thing after training, is that understood?"

You nodded frantically, ( H/C) (H/L) bouncing as you did. He approached you from behind with almost inhuman speed.

"Is that understood, cadet?" You swore you were going to die from cardiac arrest.

"Y-yes, sir."

With that, he passed you by without even sparing a glance at you and exited the showers. He looks arrogant and prideful as he walked away from you in an intimidating manner. On the other hand, you were petrified on the spot.

It was like having witnessed a great white shark swim by really close to you and completely ignore your existence. You were so shocked at what was happening that you didn't hear him call you.

"What are you waiting for cadet, an invitation, remove your ass from the place and get it on your bed, now!"

You nodded and moved very fast and away from him. Once you got to your room, locked the pad and collapse on the bed. You were rocked and not in a good way. Now you had to see him in his office, a small hell.

"Next time Mr. Jack better give me a hall pass or my ghost will finish the drawings."

You got up from the spot and went to the trunk. You put all the toiletries inside it along and placed the towel on top of the closed chest. You put your clothes in the built inside the wall hamper, and that's when you noticed it. Your wine red lacy panties were missing. You shook the clothing, perhaps it got tangled, but nothing came out.

'Fuck' you were definitely going to hear it tomorrow.

With a resigning sigh, you climbed on the bed and went off to sleep.

Morning came, it was reasonably early, but you liked to train when most people were asleep. Not loving the eyes that either mocked you or unbelievably ravished you.

After getting ready, you exited the room. Then you wondered if Commander Reyes would be awake at this time. Would he want you at his office now?

"I don't think so" you mumbled to yourself and continue walking towards the gym.

Today's workout was written in the holographic board. You didn't complain out loud, but it was a killer one. Nonetheless, you went on with it as quick as possible and exited the gym. You decided to pass by the Commander's office just in case he was inside. If not then you had a chance to compose yourself, shower, get ready for other training and then visit him.

His door was at the end of the corridor you were currently walking. Your nerves started playing with you. Yet you kept walking forward until you were standing in front of the door. Your hand knocked gently on the door. No response. You knocked a bit more louder this time and still no answer. Suddenly, your hand hesitated at the pad.

You weren't actually going to open the door, just check if there was anyone inside. In actuality doing this would merit a warning. But you needed to know for sure before he could use this against you and pin you for insubordination.

You clicked a couple of numbers in the small thing, and its mechanical voice resounded through the hallway.

"The office is currently vacant. Zero life forms detected, would you like to leave a message?"

"No, thank you" with that said you turned and walked away.

What you didn't know was that the door was a special one. It had a unique feature that allowed the commander to see who was coming his way without the person knowing. It was built upon the Commander's request and to his specifications. And he had seen you approach the door.

Your gentle knocking made his face scrunch up in confusion.

"Why the hell isn't she coming in?" He murmured looking at you with curiosity.

His eyes suddenly focused on the clothes you were wearing, and he wondered if you were wearing another sultry pair. Just like the one you left on the showers last night. He was angry and embarrassed at you, but couldn't deny the thoughts that came to mind.

If he were honest, he never knew you were amongst his ranks. You were so quiet and small, he had nothing against women, but he considered them a bit unfit for the kind of job Blackwatch did. Of course, you had proven him wrong, when you sneaked into the showers last night. The way you moved and acted was true to the kind of training he exerted in his cadets. For that tiny fraction, he was proud. But leaving your underwear for everyone to see made him angrier this time he recalled it than the first he saw them.

When he entered the showers after you'd bolted away, he noticed the wine red pair laying on the floor. He picked the fabric up only to notice too late what it was. His eyes bulged, and something else reacted as well. He had seen his share of women and underwear. He was like a father to most of his cadets. Which is why he was so flustered when the first thing that came to mind wasn't fatherly thoughts.

That's when he decided he was going to hate you. Still, he couldn't deny himself some twisted fun. He opened the last drawer on his desk and grab the wine red fabric. He pulled it towards his face, they smelt clean after you'd washed them in the shower last night. But there was a hint of your perfume, and that made him smirk. He pulled the pair into his pants and got to work.

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