
I turn my head and stop walking once I saw Sam and few others walking my way. Since Jared was holding my hand, He was pull to a stop as well. He look at me in confusion. I just grin and point behind me. He look behind me and his mouth form an O.

Sam stop walking when he reach us, "Where are you going?" He ask as he narrowed his eyes at Jared.

"I'm bringing her home. She's sick." Jared answered for me.

Sam glare at him, "I was asking my sister." He gritted out. Jared rolled his eyes, "I'm simply answer your question for her." He said, shrugging.

"Well if she's sick, I can send her home myself. I can take care of my sister just well" Sam snapped.

Jared quirk his eyebrow, "Seem like you doing a lousy job at taking care of her since she's at the library, freezing herself off when she's suppose to be at home." He retorted.

I groaned, "Guys! Stop with the bickering, you giving me a headache already." I grumbled.

Both boys stop their glaring contest and turn to look at me. Jared eyes softened as he look at me. He wrap his arm around my waist. "I'm gonna go bring her home." He said quietly but firmly.

Sam narrowed his eyes, "I'm taking her home." He said in a strong voice.

Jared sigh, "My sister's are home, don't worry." He grumbled.

I groaned, "Sam just let him take me home. I'm dizzy already." I said quietly as I rest more of my weight on Jared. He didn't seem to mind though.

Sam purse his lips in thin line before sighing loudly, "Fine. Call me if anything happen and I'll be there right away." He told me sternly.

I gave him a weak salute, "Roger that."

He smile, "See you home Taylor." He said softly before leaning down and kiss my forehead. He turn his gaze to Jared, "You better bring her back in one piece. If she had so much even just a small scratch, I'm gonna hunt you down." He stated.

Jared look amused. "Yeah okay."


I think it was around 3pm when I woke up on Jared's bed. I didn't even know how and when I fell asleep. I got out of his bed and walk out of his room. I heard voices and some sobbing.

Letting my curiosity took over me, I slowly tip toed and follow the voice.

It bring me outside a wooden door which is slightly ajar. I push it slightly and peek my head from the view. Jared was crouch down infront of one of his sister. From the way she dress, I'm assuming it was Charlie. Charlie didn't really wear lot of makeup anyway.

I look closely and notice the fresh tears that running down her cheeks. Jared look pained. "Look, you're gonna face a lot of heartbreak as you grew up. But that doesn't mean you have to give up on love. Just by liking someone, you already risking your heart. Yes, he lied. And I'm trying my very best not to bash his head off right now." Jared said and pause when Charlie let out a small chuckle. He smile and wipe the tears, "But in a matter of time, if you work hard enough, if you lucky, you're gonna find the one that you'll spend time with the rest of the time. But of course, he will have to go through me in order to have you." He joked.

"Don't let him change you Charlie. Don't just because of him, you giving up. Pick yourself up and show him that you're better than that. That you don't need him in your life. You're amazing. You're hilarious. You always retort sarcastic comments my way everytime I said something wrong. You always find a way to get on my nerve. But you're still my sister anyway. Charlie, he may say stuff about you. But listen to me, you're beautiful no matter what anyone say. So what if you had a pimple on your face? You're beautiful on the inside. Your pimples will be gone soon. All your imperfections will soon fade away and they will shine your beauty to the world when you met the love of your life. Isn't that what you've been telling Kylie every time she got a zit on her nose or forehead? He's not a good guy. You may got your heart broken soon or later, but we will be here for you like always. You're my top priority Charlie. You, Kylie and mum." He said warmly, his forehead crease since he's been frowning and worried about her sister.

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