Chapter 4: Neon Colours

Start from the beginning

"Right here Sixer" Bill said, popping up behind him. Ford jumped a mile and smacked him around the head, "Ow! What was that for" Bill whined.

"For scaring me" Ford replied.

Bill pouted and walked ahead taking off his upside down top hat carefully and looking inside, which confused Ford, why was it upside down?

"Almost there folks!" Bill said, placing it back on his head, still upside down. Weirdly enough it still floated.

Dipper took Mabel's hand and gave it a squeeze, "Thanks Dipper, you're the best"

"Good to know" Dipper said with a smile.

Bill led them to the clearing just as the last rays of sun flickered out on the horizon and counted down,


The clearing began to glow, mushrooms, bugs, animals and flowers and even a couple of trees bathed the area in neon glowing lights of all kinds, pinks, blues, greens, purples and oranges.

"Whoa, this so pretty! Thanks Bill!" Mabel said, "I definitely forgive you" she added, picking a glowing pink flower.

Dipper shook his head and smiled, "You're so easily accepting aren't you, Mabes"

Mabel giggled threading the glowing flower into her hair.

Ford kneeled down to study the mushrooms, "I've seen some of these before, but never the flowers and the bugs, its amazing!"

"Though you might like it Sixer, Stan?"

"Yes, Bill?"

"Here, I made this for you from one of the glowing trees" Bill said, throwing him a roughly hand carved bat, it glowed bright orange in the dark, Stan grinned,

"Now I'll never have to turn on the lights at night if there's intruders, I can just wack em around the head in the dark! Thanks Bill, this is great!"

Ford chuckled.

"Dipper?" Bill asked,


"I'm sorry for using your body as a vessel, I'm sorry I caused you mental pain with the nightmares and all my Bill stuff, so I thought I'd make you something that you could use to heal yourself and fix the nightmares, I made it myself, took me awhile" Bill rummaged in the bushes and pulled out a Dream Catcher, which unfortunately stuck a little to his hand, "Yeah, they do that, you gotta pull it off" 

Dipper yanked it off Bills palm and stared up at it as it dangled from his fingers, "Wow, considering it sticks to you it must have been difficult to make"

"Somewhat, but I suppose it was worth it."

The wood making up the Dream Catcher glowed purple, the feathers glowed purple and the beads inside glowed orange. The night made the Big Dipper constellation beads look as if they were floating inside the circle, it was woven very well "It's amazing, thank you!" Dipper said grinning

"If you hang that by your bed every night it would stop any intruders getting into your head, including me. It fixes the nightmares, and if you're injured, you'll wake up healed, and with some energy to spare, very handy."

"Oh! Me! Me Next!" Mabel said, jumping up and down.

Bill chuckled.

"Ah, Mabel, your fun attitude always made me like you even when I hated you, simply because it was just another form of chaos for me. This gift needs a good home. I found this little guy injured and I fixed him up, hes real sweet and he likes to bite when hes happy" Bill said, carefully taking off his upside down top hat.

Ford finally found out why it had been like that as Bill carefully pulled out a tiny little rabbit from within. He glowed pink in the night and Mabel's eyes widened as she took him in her hands, her eyes wide with amazement

"Hes so cute!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she squealed loudly, hugging Bill round the middle.

"Whoa, none of that now" Bill said, pushing her off him. He made sure the rabbit hadn't been squished and smiled as his little nose twitched at the Demon.

"What are you going to name him?" Bill asked.

"Hmm, Buttons! His nose looks like a little button" She said, nuzzling the small rabbit,

"Great name, Pumpkin" Stan said, swinging his bat around to test it,

"How did you know I needed another pet?" Mabel asked, gently stroking the quivering bundle. Buttons burrowed his head into Mabel's sweater and squeaked.

"Well when you came here with no pig, I just assumed he was gone, and thought you might need a new equally cute one to make you feel better" Bill said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Ford was smiled and patted Bills shoulder, "That was a good apology Bill"

"Really? You think so?"

"Yes" Ford said and kissed his cheek.

Bill went bright red and couldn't stop the happiness bubbling up, he grinned like a loon.

Thankfully it was dark and nobody could see the red blush much anyways, but Dipper and Mabel grinned at each other and then at Bill.

Stan turned away with a screwed up nose, but he did smile.

Bill was silently cheering in his head as they made there way back. Ford walked ahead, using a branch covered in Bills blue flames to light the way, they flickered weakly, not eating the wood.

Ford made a mental note to ask him about his powers later.

Way to go Cipher! You caught him, now too reel him in!

Be quiet you! He's not a fish!

You know what?


You're in looooove!

We're in love, dummy!

I'm not a dummy!

Stop talking to yourself!

You started it!

When Life Gives You Lemons (A Gravity Falls Fan Fic) (Billford Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now