Jerk, Jock same thing

Start from the beginning

"And I was talking to my friend, you are as arrogant as they say" The brunette gave a look of disgust "I never knew Dick jocks could be girls"

"Oh I see how it is, your new, Shall I explain?" Kara pushed the other girl away

"No I'm ok, you would just lower your IQ more than it already is" The brunette picked some books from her locker "Your a bully and you can't everything or anyone you want. So whatever problems you have Deal with them a therapist" She took her friend's hand and pulled her away

Kara stood their with her mouth agape, James and Mike walked up behind her "You just got schooled" Mike chuckled

Kara couldn't come up with any words, she had never been talked to like that, was she a dick. She never thought she was "I- I got to go. Eliza wants me home"

The blonde walked away despite her friends protests

At the Danvers Home

Kara growled in annoyance as she was thrown to the ground by Alex, her wrapped hand went up to her nose which was now bleeding "Bitch" She pulled herself up

"What's wrong with you today, your distracted?" Alex folded her arms at her sister "What's on your mind"

"Nothing" Kara spat back, she took the bondage off her hands and wrists "I'm going for a run"

"Be careful it's almost dark" Alex called to her sister as she walked away, Eliza walked in with two glasses of water "Is she ok?"

"Yeah, she's got something on her mind" Alex took a large gulp, the cold water seemed to ease the heat her body was emitting "She needs to let some steam off"

"Right ok, make sure she's back before 11"


Kara wiped her bloody nose roughly, she hissed as she realised it was broken "Son of a bitch" She checked her surroundings, she was out of her neighbourhood nearing the local forests "Fuck"

A sudden crack made her flinch

A voice behind her chuckled "I didn't know a jock could get scared" Kara recognised the voice

"Right you" The blonde folded her arms, the brunette had been on her mind and now she was standing in front of her

"Yes me, did you have to be a dick earlier, I prefer a less misogynistic approach"

"I didn't catch your name?" Kara ignored the comment

"Didn't throw it" The brunette walked away

"Wait, why are you out at this time?" Kara grabbed the girl's arm

"My business, if I tell you my name will you g-"

Suddenly a low growl cut the girl off, the brunette immediately got ready for a fight "Not now mutt" She hissed

Kara instinctively jumped in front of the girl "Get away Jock, I can defend myself. I don't need you"

The girls started to bicker "Oh yeah I know how to beat anyone's ass"

"Sure on a football pitch, what about a science quiz"

"Oh here we go again" Kara stared at the brunette "I have you to know I'm going to apply to Notre dame"

"And I have already gotten Harvard, and your getting in on a football scholarship" The brunette pushed Kara away earning a protest from the blonde

"Oh fuck you"

"I see cursing is your defence mechanism"

Before Kara could snap back a giant weight knocked her to the ground with a thud, she let out a sharp breath as her eyes made contact with a creatures it had glowing yellow eyes. She desperately tried to push the creature, the blonde let out a cry as the creature sank it jaw into her leg. Tears spilled from her eyes "P...plea-se"

Her leg started to burn, the feeling fed itself up her body. Hitting each corner of her. Her veins felt like ants crawling through their nest.

The weight was lifted off her, with a blurry view she made out the brunette throwing the creature away "" Kara felt herself slipping away, If was to die today at least she would be with her parents.

Wow an actual chapter, that's somewhat long.

Want a part 2?


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