chapter 30

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     I head out the room just as Jason's coming in making us collide and me falling on the cold hard floor. "Oow Jason that hurt why is your body so hard? Just when I'm getting up I hear a laugh and I look up to see it's not Jason. "Well I don't know probably because I work out. "I'm s s sorry I thought you were somebody else. This guy was absolutely gorgeous, gray eyes, tan skin, and this really pretty shade of brown and red hair.

   "Its OK sweetheart people are always bumping into me, and could you mind giving me your name? "Its Des- "my girlfriend. Great now Jason's in the conversation, "honey we were just talking. "Not the way you were looking at him! "I wasn't looking at him any type of way and by tw my name is Destiny what about you?

      "Gabe short for Gabriel, I actually go to your school and was hoping if you could introduce me to your friend-Lola?  Nobody's ever interested in Lola, not to be mean she's pretty and all but boys find her intimidating. "Sure no prob, let's go Jason. When we get in the car I start to drift off to sleep.


    Me and Jason were finally married, out of college, has a house and even wanting to start a family. We were at the doctors office waiting for the big news! When the doctor comes in he has a sort of small smile on his face that's filled with sadness. Jason see's this too, he takes my hand and squeezes it giving me some reassurance that everything will be OK. The doctor finally sits down in his wheely chair, "Mrs. Destiny it seems as though your not pregnant or ever going to be pregnant.

    I actually faint right then and there from mental shock. It was my dream to have children, its all that I wanted in life just to hear that makes me feel like my heart breaking inside. Me and Jason try and try and try for months but we still can't seem to accomplish what I've been dying for- children.


      Destiny was pretty mad about the whole Blake thing she even said he was on her cut list. I was walking out of forever 21 until I bumped into Ryan on the way out. All my bags fly everywhere on the floor including me. "I'm so sorry Ariana, I haven't seen you around lately and you haven't responded to any of my calls or texts. "The truth is Ari I like you alot, I can't stop thinking about you, and I even likw you more than I liked Destiny!

    I was so flatered yet confused about what I should say so the only thing that comes out is- "my bags are on the floor. "Huh? "My bags are on the floor can you pick them up? "Oh yea sure soooo do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow? "Actually I would like to, he leans in for a kiss but I stop him. "Let's take things slow, handshake? He looked at me like I was stupid but shook my hand, pulled me closer to him and kissed me before I could even register what happened.

     I can't lie I've never felt like this when I kissed somebody, it was like eating skittles! He finally pulls away and says "kissing me is taking things slow. We both laugh and I playfully hit him while we head to my car, but one thought had just came through my head what would destiny think?

Falling Hard ~Boris Laursen and lizzza fan fictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum