chapter 10

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At school, me and Jason head to breakfast to meet up with Dominique, James and hopefully Lola. When we get there its just James which is weird because Dominique's always at the breakfast table. "Where's Dominique? uh I saw her leave a few minutes with this girl lolo I think. "We all laugh, you mean Lola. "Yea whatever but they went that way (points to the left hallway).

While I stay with James Jason goes to see if he can find them, but comes back blushing like crazy. "What, did you find them, and why are you blushing? "Yea I found them but there um busy I guess. "Oh well I guess I'll catch up with them later. We head to theater after breakfast so I can catch up on my costume designs.

During theater we were practicing inprov until the door swings open, Dominique and Lola comes in. "Hey guys where were you? "uh we got caught up in the cafeteria. "Oh OK well did you want to join us with inprov? "No we are good we'll just watch I guess.

After class I see Lola running somewhere with Dominique in a rush, so I don't get to talk to any of them like I hoped. Suddenly while me and Jason are walking to my math class I see him get down on one knee. "Oh my gosh are you PR- "Destiny Harp will you do me the honors and go to the Lakers basketball game with me tomorrow? "Oh MY GOSH, HECK YEA I'LL GO!!!! I kiss him as soon as he gets back up and we stand there for a while until the people around us starts clapping.

"So how did you know one of my favorite basketball teams is the Lakers? "I had a little hint from your brother by the way the basketball game is at 6 so we won't have to skip school. "Oh yay school is so much fun(we both laugh). "Well here's your class so I'll talk to you later, bye. "bye.

In math class I usually sit next to D'kaylah or Dominique but there not here so I sit next to Malcolm. "Hey Destiny we don't talk like we used to. "Probably because you stopped talking to me when I started dating Jason and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings for you not talking to me! "Well that's not what I meant, I mean I miss talking you maybe we should all go to the movies next week. "Oh well I'll think about it, thanks.

Finally when my math class ends I can go to my almost most exciting class science, until this boy bumps into me. "Oh my gosh this is like the third time(I say while picking up my stuff) I'm so sorry I was rushing. "It's fine just be careful please.

when I get to my science class no one is there so I head to the chemistry lab and they are. My science class was even more boring than my math class so I text Dominique.

Me-"hey where are you

Dom- "um I'm at the cafe doing stuff free period remember?

Me-"oh well I missed you in math you mind if I come over after school.

Dominique-"actually Lola's coming over so maybe another time so I'll talk to you later cause I'm like busy.

Me-"Yea OK I'll talk to you later.

That was weird when did Dominique start spending so much time with Lola?

Falling Hard ~Boris Laursen and lizzza fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now