Chapter 11

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When thinking about why Lola and Dominique are spending so much together I have to put the facts together. The first time it was when they weren't in the lunchroom they were in the hallway but when Jason went to go check on them he came back blushing. then they came to class late with is weird because Dominique never comes to class late. Then after class they were running somewhere in a rush but holding hands. Suddenly the answer comes to me, they're dating! It sounds weird but why else would Jason come back blushing, boys only blush when they see girls kissing.

I figured it out like that, they were lesbians and suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I ran to the nearest bathroom and started to throw up which took like a hour since I had to clean myself up too. since I missed my last period I headed to Jason's car so he can take me home. "Hey can you take me home now please? "Yea sure are you OK? No I just found out my best friends are lesbians and they nor you told me. "uha uha-"Jason are you even listening to me?! " I'm sorry I'm just really excited for the Lakers game tomorrow.

"Oh well ill see you tommo-"wait babe can I sleep over tonight? In my mind I was jumping with joy because evry time we touched its like fireworks going off in my body. Sure come in. after we head inside I tell hm to wait downstairs while I take a shower even though hes seen me before and ive seen alot of him. When I'm done with my showere and hes done with his we go to watch lion king until my phone rings. I looked to see who it was and it wasnt Lola and it wasnt Dominique thank goodness but it was my friend Ariana.

"Hey Destiny. "Hey Ariana why are you calling me so late at night. (she laughs) "Destiny its only 9 o'clock, but I was calling to tell you that ima need somebody to show me around because I'm moving back! I was totally shocked but wasn't so I told her yay and ill see her tomorrow.

Suddenly Jason gets out the shower and its like I've seen this before I know whats happening. "I love you Destiny. He starts to climb over kissing me against my neck making his way up to my lips. I let out a sigh in pleasure which makes him kiss me more passioniatley but he removes his lips from mine. im in utter shock what the heck happened, I wanted more, I wanted to feel that again why would he just pull away like that but I cant want more I have to stay pure.


I pushed myself onto her because I couldnt help it just looking at her with curly hair and her beautiful face just made me go crazy so i kissed all the way up her neck, to her ear and then to her lips. I then new she wanted more so I kissed harder but i moved away. when i looked back into her dark brown eyes I saw eagerness but confusion. I only moved away because i didnt want to take something from her that was so fragile but important. I wanted her so bad to feel her touch to feel her soft lips against mine but I couldn't do it I had to wait till she wanted me as bad too, so I took her arm spun her around to face me and hugged her.

She was tense at first but relaxed I didnt know what to say so we just stayed there hugging one another until she drifted asleep.

Falling Hard ~Boris Laursen and lizzza fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now