Chapter 2: Welcome

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     I slam my fist into my alarm and groan loudly while rolling onto my back. Letting out a ferocious yawn I then make my bed and
saunter to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror earning myself a look of disgust then start my morning routine. I walk over to my dresser picking up my phone and looking at my notifications. Ha yeah, I like thinking I'm important. Not. I throw on a black t-shirt with a t-rex struggling to pick up a hamburger with his itty bitty arms, and some high-waisted denim jeans.

     I run downstairs popping a bagel in the toaster and grab a water bottle and some Advil for my mother who is, surprise, passed out drunk on the couch. Putting the water bottle and Advil on the table I grab the empty glass bottles and throw them into the trashcan.

      Now I got to tell you. You probably think I live in some trashy apartment with the wallpaper peeling off and cockroaches running around the place. It's not like that, it's actually pretty nice. Your lying. Ok fine, it's decent. I keep the house pretty clean considering my mother doesn't do shit besides reverse the cleaning process.

I live in a bad neighborhood where people are either involved in some bad stuff, very creepy, lazy, busy, or weird. I've managed to survive here preeeetttyyy well. I've made friends with my neighbor Dandy who is a total spiritual weirdo. She is a complete hippy and most of the time she is high and cleansing both of our houses with sage. By both of us, I mean me and her.

I grab my bag and skateboard named Riz and throw on my old beat-up pair of black vans and a denim jacket.

"Morning Dandy!" I wave while ripping into my bagel.

"Good morning miss Gene" she smiles and throws me a piece of butterscotch candy."Give that to Tyler for me!" I pocket the orange candy that your grandmother always seems to have.

"Thanks, Dandy! I will. Have a nice day." I place my skateboard onto the cement.

"You too sweety, and hey! Stay away from anybody who you think has a bad aura." She points a finger at me.

"Just for you." I smile and step onto Riz, and start rolling down the sidewalk to school.



   I slam my locker shut just in time to see Tyler staring right at me, and with my wicked fast reflexes–

"AGH" I thrust the palm of my hand into his nose with just enough force to make him stagger back into another student with a mixed expression on his face.

"What the fuck Genesis?" he rubs his nose.

"Sorry, you startled me." I giggle and offer him the candy that Dandy gave me this morning.

"Ugh thank you, I needed my daily fix." He pops the candy into his mouth with a slight moan. " Man I needed that, hey so, you wanna go to the park after school?"

"Can't,  I have to work." I kind of have to work unless I want to become homeless and then die of starvation.

      I've been working at a small 24-hour breakfast place called "Cindy's breakfast." I work at night on weekdays from 4:00 to 10:00 and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturdays. I get at least $456 a week and that means $1,824 a month which is barely enough to pay my rent and buy groceries. Then, of course, put money into my savings so I can get the fuck out of that house when I turn eighteen.

"Ok so you can go after work" He sticks out his hand in a duh gesture.

"Well I get off at 10:00 tonight and then I have to do my homework."

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