nothing ever stops you leaving

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[ a/n: this is basically just sad smut. this wasn't my intention but it's where it went as i was writing.

i made a sad frerard edit with the song "when the party's over" by billie eilish bc it's been giving me major frank x gerard / post mcr breakup frerard vibes (if u wanna see it, DM me ur from wattpad + follow my insta @ aching.blvsh) so i was like hey let's make a sob story to go along with it.

all of this is from my head ok no one attack me for any of this. the only thing that's been proven to be true is the break up. the rest is just theories and headcanons within the fandom i felt would help add to the story.

also i apologize i haven't been updating. i'm in a real bad place and i'm working on a lot of things with my therapist. i haven't felt okay or happy enough to write or get into the mindset i need to be to write how i want. so this may not be my best work, but it's definitely something i can do since i've been feeling so down.

kinda post alien era gerard and cellabration era frank]

It shouldn't have been a surprise. It shouldn't have come across as much of a shock, it was hinted at maybe once or twice, but bound to happen sooner or later. Every good thing must come to an end at some point. Thing is, most had hoped for later, rather than sooner.. And when it happened, it tore millions apart. Breaking the hearts of friends, who still had hope and more ideas. Of millions of adoring fans, ready to follow you to the ends of the Earth. Breaking the hearts of those even closer to you, without even realizing you had done so, and yet still remain unaware to the current day.

A decision that should have been made by not one person alone, especially not when it effected an entire group. But just like that, a few, simple words that proclaimed farewell and the fire that had been burning bright and strong since the day they came together, came to a halt and extinguished before everyone's eyes. The ash settling to the ground as they went their separate ways and others struggled to accept and comprehend the sudden news.

Just because it was over, doesn't mean the memory was dead and gone. The experiences everybody had, how they grew and bonded and went through hell together. Those memories don't just get erased, they stick around and sometimes haunt you. The good memories hurt more than the bad, but you can't help but focus on the good. It becomes torturous, you'd give anything for them to stop replaying and circling your head all day, give anything just to have them wiped clean from your memory. But something beside the pain made those memories comforting. Something you crave to see and remember, but that feeling never stays, as it begins to hurt again. An endless cycle. Frank wished it was that simple. He wished he could wipe away every god damn memory he had with that guy. Every laugh, every smile, every touch, every kiss, every... He stopped thinking, not again. He wouldn't let his thoughts run amuck again, unable to handle it. Especially when he was expecting company. Hastily dragging a hand down his face with a sigh, a few stray tears having escaped his eyes without noticing.

The door bell rang.

Standing up from where Frank was, where even was he? He couldn't remember leaving the kitchen, only to have ended up crouched on the floor of the small hallway, knees tucked up to his chest and hands wrapped around the back of his head in a protective manner. Shaking out the jitters in his shoulders that traveled down his arms and even into his hands, he took a few deep breaths as he approached the door and opened it, being greeted with the smiling face of his old friend.

That smile had all those good memories flooding in at once. Multiple occasions, different scenarios, but still all that remained constant was that adorable, little crooked smile he fell for the day he saw it.

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