the only reason you speak is to state that you're mine

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[ a/n: another fic where she includes rimming in the smut ~
i tried so hard to not mash up several kinks at once and just keep it at a few basic ones. also this is written on my phone, i tried to go through + edit it this time so if there are any errors i apologize
in this fic, frank is a tumblr girl. ]
frank is wearing :

 ]frank is wearing :

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Gerard wasn't sure how to properly react to what he had walked in on. He'd only been gone for a few hours, having woken up before his boyfriend and leaving a little note on the pillow in case he awoke while he was gone. Smiling at his sleeping figure before quietly leaving to try and accomplish a couple errands he knew he could never talk Frank into attending with him. He was incredibly stubborn and if he didn't want to do something, chances were you could never talk him into doing it. 

He'd been gone less than three hours, but had gotten so busy and his hands were too full to text Frank his usual heads up he was on his way home. Somehow Frank didn't hear him return and was caught in their bedroom, staring at his reflection of the full length mirror next to their closet. Gerard in the doorway, eyeing his boyfriend curiously and remaining silent.

Frank wasn't dressed in his usual at home attire, this was far from it. Frank stood with a pleated black skirt hugging his waist perfectly, a black button up tucked in that was a size or two too big, which Gerard soon realized was his own, and a pair of black over the knee socks, with a couple white stripes at the top. He clearly hadn't noticed his boyfriend's presence yet, staring at his reflection with a contemplative expression, bottom lip caught between his teeth. Holding the ends of the skirt by his finger tips, he spun around a few times. Too quickly and too distracted to notice his boyfriend but that was when Gerard decided to clear his throat loudly, arms crossing over his chest while he leaned against the doorframe. Frank stumbled a bit as he stopped, his eyes widening in surprise and face visibly darkening in embarrassment. "I-I" He tried, glancing down at himself quickly, hoping this was maybe some kind of bad dream, before looking back up towards his boyfriend.

"So is this what you do when I'm not home?" Gerard asked causally, an amused chuckle passing his lips after his question. Stepping into the bedroom fully now, his expression unreadable to Frank.

"No, I.. Not always. It's not what it looks like!" He exclaimed, backing himself up towards the corner of their room in shame. He had planned to tell Gerard about this some day, he just could never figure out how to bring it up. Too paranoid he'd react negatively, had the boy stalling with some silly excuses. The fact that he couldn't tell what Gerard was feeling, he couldn't see on his face if he was repulsed by what he just walked into or if he was going to laugh in his face made the entire scenario of being caught, so much worse.

"Really?" Gerard spoke calmly, following Frank until he was in front of him. A hand coming out to grasp the end of the skirt he was wearing. "Then what is it?" He asked, dropping the skirt as his fingertips made contact with the visible skin of Frank's thigh, eyes casting down at him with a mischievous look on his face that had the boy blushing deeply and immediately looking away.

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