First Sight

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*|| Kaine's POV ||*

The sunlight peaks through my curtains, blinding me in the process. I turn over to avoid the light to see a sleeping Mori next to me. I grunt before shoving his limp body to wake up. He moans tiredly. Good. He's up.

"You slept over again." I groan, tugging my share of the blanket over my shoulders.

"So?" He mumbles still half asleep. I nudge him again.

"So... that's not good." I answer wanting to sleep again.

"Does it matter?" He says opening his eyes.


"How?l" he interrupts me.

"Because we're friends." I answer him, sitting up.

"We're engaged. I think that gives me a pass to sleep in the same bed as you." He sits up next me. He smiles.

"I know you're just messing with me but still... not funny."  I tell him before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

"I'll see you later at our normal coffee shop? Say 3:30?" I ask him. He nods before putting on a shirt. Buttoning my dress and putting up my hair in a low bun, I grab my bag and keys. I walk over to him placing a quick kiss on his cheek and I'm out the door.


*|| Kyoya's POV ||*

Another day in Venice. We head over to a coffee shop of some sort that Mori sempai recommended but ever since yesterday, it seems that no one can stop talking about Kaine.

"What do you think she's doing right now?"

"I wonder where she's at? Where does she live?"

"Has she made any more friends. Do you think they're better than us?"

"Please, What could be better than us?"

"I hope she has someone to trust at least."

"Who do you think you're talking about? Kaine had a hard time trusting us."

"Do you think she's developed any other skills to hide the fact that she's blind?"

"Oh yeah. I totally forgot that she was blind."

"Do you think She still likes cake?"

"Our darling queen! She's back in our lives!"

"I wonder if she's dating someone."

I'm at my limit. "Must we continue this topic of discussion? Your non stop chatter is giving me a headache."

"Look who's grumpy." Hikaru slyly smiles.

"Someone's getting jealous." Kaoru peeks over his brother's shoulder.

"Please." I scoff, "it doesn't matter to me but I'd much rather talk about something else."

"You know Kyoya sempai, you've had an attitude about Kaine every since she left." Haruhi points out.

"Is it still because of our notes?" Tamaki asks me.

"I can't believe that Kaine wrote a note to everyone but Kyo-Chan." Honey sempai says.

-Seven Years Ago-

After reading Kaine's note, I fold it again and shove it in my journal. My phone rings.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Kyoya!" Tamaki shouts making me flinch," Get to my Estate as quickly as possible. Something happened!"

He immediately hangs up leaving me to wonder what the commotion is all about.

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