Chapter Six - Confusion

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"What the actual fluff?!" I shouted in Axel's face, dramatically throwing my hands in the air.

"What..? Did I ruin it or something?" he interrogated, stepping closer.

"No it's're GAY!" I bellowed, turning away.

"No. I said that so I could be with you. Yeah okay, I like Devon. He's freaking hot for unicorn's sake! But you, you're freaking gorgeous. Hell you're perfect!" He hollered.

"Axel, I don't look at you like that. You're like my brother, not like my boyfriend." I told him, watching a tear roll down her cheek.

"Well who the flaming heck DO you like?" He screamed.

"Isn't it obvious?! I like Ripley you dumb rabbit!" I yelled at him.

He looked at the floor and ran the other way.

"Axel wait!" I shouted, but it didn't stop him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as he drove away.

I answered my phone.

"H-hello?" I quivered at the sound of my own voice.

"Hey it's Prissy. Just thought I would tell you that you are no longer welcome to the group. Go kill yourself. You hurt Axel real bad and now I think you should go away you feral!" she shouted into the phone.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up.

I felt my eyes well up but there isn't much I could do about that.

Georgia came out the front, and wrapped her tiny little arms around my leg.

"Don't cry Hannah. People are mean but we don't need to cry. You are strong. Just like mummy." Georgia told me, squeezing my leg.

I picked her up in my arms and carried her inside.


The alarm echoed off the walls. I sat up, hair stuck to my face. I pulled the hair off my face as I rose to my feet. I picked up the alarm clock and threw it onto the floor. It shut up. I went over to my laptop and saw six Facebook messages.

Devon: bitch

Prissy: keep away from us

Samuel: we aren't friends

Riley: die

Teaghan: why did you do that?

Julia: I can't believe you

I slammed my laptop lid shut and threw it across the room and into the wall.

I screamed and jumped onto my bed, burrying my face into my pillow.

My bedroom door swung open, the handle digging into the plaster.

"You're such a feral little shit do you know that?" She bellowed.

"Well then I'll kill myself and you wont have to worry about me anymore!" I screeched, throwing the pillow at her.

She glared at me, before walking over to me and slapping me across the face.

"Now you have something to cry about you sook." She scolded.

"Fine." I huffed.

She walked out, slamming the door.

Well screw you too!!

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