Chapter Two - The Chat Room

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Ripley: Hey

Hannah: Oh hi :)

Ripley: So, today was weird

Hannah: Was it?

Ripley: Well you were staring at me for half the day...

Hannah: Yeah...sorry bout that :/

Ripley: Its okay. I was kinda staring at you too. :D

Hannah: Aha okay

Ripley: ... So ... you taken?

Ripley: Never mind that was weird... Sorry you don't have to answer that

Hannah: No no! It's okay.

I'm single :) you?

Ripley: Single. But I'm not...a ruler.

Hannah: Me neither. Bit of a hand wobble I am....

Ripley: Aha well I don't normally say anything like that to anyone.

Hannah: Aha it's fine.

Hannah: Sorry I have to go eat dinner be back soon.

I shut the laptop lid, smiling like Mickey Mouse on TV.

I sat at the table and stuffed my mouth full of the pie my mum had prepared.

"So Hannah, I hear you had a new girl in your class today." Mum told me.

"Yeah. Her name is Ripley and she's really nice." I explained to her.

She just shook her head.

"Her mother is a hoe. Don't follow her around." Mum shallowly added.

Geez what's wrong with her today?!

"Okay mum." I said as I dumped my plate into the sink and marched my way back upstairs.

I reopened the laptop screen.

1 New Message from !

Ripley: I have to get off my laptop now.

I'll see you tomorrow. It was nice meeting you.

Night :)

I closed my laptop.

Maybe she likes me?

What the hell?! I'm straight...what the hell am I thinking. Even if I am bisexual or lesbian or whatever, my mum wouldn't like it.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I opened my contacts and rang the one person my mother really hates.

My father answered the phone after a few rings of the tone.

"Hello?" He mumbled.

Let it begin, I thought to myself.

I love you?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora