mine. [3]

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I slept soundly in Cross's interior, my head resting against the cushion as I had pulled my small blanket directly above my head. Awakening to an abrupt stop, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. We were at Wales Lake. I smiled brightly before quickly throwing the blanket in the backseat and stumbling outside to the cool air. Letting out a cry of happiness, I could hear Crosshairs chuckle out from behind me before transforming, making me turn in awe.

"You seem to really like this place, lass." He remarked, throwing his head back to look up at the trees towering over him. "I've gone here since I was a kid, so.." I trailed off. It's funny how one place can change within years. The short evergreen trees had grown over multiple feet, and the forest was thick and dense. I looked back over at Crosshairs.

"We can hide here. No one will find us." I said, looking up at him. "Eh, that kind of makes me doubt you lass." I frowned as he dropped my stuff down upon the damp ground. Scowling, I threw it over my shoulder, giving Crosshairs a dirty look as I passed.

I started towards Wales Lake. The birds chirped in the distance, making me smile brightly. I could hear Crosshairs quietly walking behind me.

"So, where's your dad? Is he back at home?" He suddenly asked, making me twitch. I stopped and turned around"Where's your dad? Back at home?" A slight breeze rolled in, and a tear slipped out from eye down my cheek. "He's gone." Crosshairs stopped, and turned back to me. "Did he disappear on ya?" I hissed quickly. "No, Crosshairs, he's dead." He stopped, and all that could be heard was the sounds of animals brushing in the bushes, and fish jumping in the lake nearby, hitting it with a hard slap.

"I'm sorry." He said solemnly, looking at me. I started towards the lake again, ignoring his comment. "Come on, we should get a fire set up before it becomes dark." I sniffled, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

We finally arrived at the dock, as I told Crosshairs to stay on land, or the dock might fall in. "I'll go grab some sticks to fuel a fire. Do you have any, you know, tools to start one?" I asked, looking at him up and down. His figure was quite nice, and the makeshift scientist coat was overall adorable.

"Do I look like a forest fire? No." He grumbled. I gave him a dirty look, and started towards the forest. "But I can maybe start one!" He called after me. I ignored him. Then, I heard a heavy pair of footsteps run up to me behind me. Crosshairs stopped me.

"Look, lass, please be safe. I don't want anything happening to you." I scoffed. "Like you would care." In response to this, Crosshairs lightly shoved me, making me stop and turn around. "What was that for, you meanie?" Stroking his finger lightly across my cheek, he looked at me softly. "Promise me." I was suddenly mesmerized by his comment, and I nodded. The moment of softness was quickly broken by Crosshair's stern gaze as he retracted his finger, and stood back up.

"Now, just go." He scowled, turning back around while heading towards the dock. I shook my head abruptly, shaking myself out of the trance, and started on the path into the dense nook of trees. Walking into the forest to find some sticks wasn't that hard, considering trees were knocked down, and at most cores of the trees, bark was splitting. I hummed in curiousity. It wasn't that way before. I began to pick up little twigs, for the large branches were far too heavy for me to carry and break apart. All of a sudden, something clicked. Something else was here.

"Crosshairs?" I yelled slightly, poking my head out from the position I was once standing in, peering over to see where he was. Then, I heard clashes of metal. I ran back, nearly stumbling and falling on my face, only to see Crosshairs fighting with another alien robot larger than him, lifted up into the air as he was held by his throat. The other alien eyes were glowing green with pure evil glistening in his grin as he turned to me. His grin fell, and he dropped Crosshairs. "Y/N, hide!" Crosshairs screamed, gasping for breath.

I gasped and sprinted off, tears tracing my cheeks as I sniffled and tried not to stumble. I couldn't just leave him there. I felt terrible. Diving into the brush, I covered myself with leaves and prayed for the best. I listened closely between the hiccups I now had.

"Lockdown.." I heard his voice growl. The other alien scoffed. "Look who it is.. and I see that you've found another human pet to take along with you, Crosshairs.." He chuckled. Curses were yelled as I slowly climbed out from the brush, swallowing my heart.

"Yeah, and she's mine, so leave her alone!" He yelled like a jealous little child, wanting their toy back.

I slowly walked back to the entrance of the trail, looking over at the two. Lockdown's foot was locked on Crosshairs's chest as he wheezed for air. I stepped into view, and yelled to Lockdown.

"Hey, stupid." I hiccuped slightly, rubbing the tears from my eyes as I took a breath of air.

Lockdown turned.

"Bet this little pet can run faster than you."

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