An unpleasant surprise

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"Collin? Collin are you even listening!?"

Benjamin, Collins younger brother, waved a hand in front if his face.

"Huh? oh yes yes continue..."

Collin yawned. He took a long, bored, sip of his coffee. Benny had been complaining for a good hour about how a certain coworker of his was purposely messing with the two large Tesla Coils in His lab.

"The bastard spilled the damn acid on wood, let me say it again, wood floor boards! Theirs a big hole in the floor now! "

"Benny mind me asking but why are the floor boards wood?"

"Because we are going though renovations......anyway, how are the wedding plans going?"

Collin smiled happily. He went back to imagining the upcoming day of his wedding.

"Lovely. The Queen herself is allowing me to use the reception room in the castle. It will be great. Im so exited."

Collin smiled holding his head up with his fist

"Wow. Good job Collin. A man would do anything to be you right now. "

Benny said encouragingly. He half smiled.

"Oh I bet they would. Heh, any way, back to your troubles."

Benny raised a brow. The next twenty minutes would consist of reasons this certain worker was vexing Benny to unimaginable amounts.

A waitress came and gave Benny and Collin their breakfast. Collin smiled and nodded at the waitress who bit her lip and half smiled. She walked away blushing.

An hour passed of complaining and Boredom. Collin got to a point to were he wanted to shove one of Benny's biscuits down his throat. He looked at the time.

"Benny! We're late!"

Collin yelped putting his brown over coat back on. Benny gasped. He reached into his pocket and slammed a stack of dollar bills on the table.

They both got up and ran out of the building. Collin went the opposite direction as Benny, being people who enjoy walking, they didn't drive. Collin had to run twenty miles to get back to his home.

He ran as fast as he could, his coat tails flying, his top hat struggling to stay on and being the tall, gangling man Collin is, trying to keep his balance while running.

Collin never really was the the 'athletic' type.

He kept running. He made it to his house and burst in the door.

The Queen and Collin new each other very well, he expected to see her.

"So sorry...your majesty... my brother-"

"None of your Petty excuses are relevant this time Mr.Bracewell"

Instead of seeing an older woman in a BEUTIFUL dress and diamond crown, stood a boy in about his teens. Seventeen to be exact.

The boy was wearing a long dark red cape. He had a helmet that covered his entire face, which no one had seen for a good seven years. Only his eyes showed. A sheathed sword hung of his belt. He was tapping his foot.

Prince Henry the seventh

"Oh, It's you. I thought The Queen was to be attending this progress conference."

"Well she's not Mr.Bracewell. Last night, poor thing, fell a bit sick after a bad glass of whine."


"Nothing. Where is the other one?"

"You mean Benjamin?"

Collin stared at the prince. He had a look that said: nothing would give me more pleasure than to place a sharp, repetitive pain, in your face at this optimal time.

Benny came bursting in the door, his face was red from running and he was panting.

"Sorry....I'm late...." Benny said gasping for air. He looked up and instead of seeing the queen in her beautiful crown and lovely dress, saw the prince in his deceiving helmet that covered his face.

"Oh it's you. Good day Your highness..." Benny said a bit angrily.

"Hush peasant. I came for a previewing then I'll be going. lets get this over with" the prince retorted, sounded vexed at the duos attitude towards him.

Collin nodded. he walked into his work room and grabbed the mechanical wings of the pedestal. He came over and strapped the shoulder, and waist straps to Benny, who was looking a bit nervous.

"Ok Doctor Bracewell, do your thing." Collin told Benny.

Benny nodded. He took of running. the wings flapping along with it. He slowly but surely elevated and took flight. he did barrel rolls and loopty-loops in the air. He glided over head. papers went flying from the wind gust.

"Ok you can stop Benny!" Collin yelled up.

Benny nodded. He flew strait up and dived down. The dive lasted for a good three seconds until he flipped around and landed on his feet.

The prince crossed his arms and nodded a bit. Collin clapped. He came over and took of the straps. he put the wings away and came back to the gathering.

"When can they be ready?" the prince asked quickly.

"Well, this is just a prototype, the real thing will be Done in about six months when I have better equipment and more funds. " Collin said. His voice was a bit shaky.

"No! they will be done in three months. get it done Bracewell. you don't have time to stall. Get it done or else. Good day to you sirs." the prince storms of.

The brothers breath when they hear his horse galloping away.

"Jerk....." Benny said. He sounded angry.

"Bastard......." Collin said, shaking his head. "well, I'm going to clean up the mess here. "

"I'll be of then, by Collin." Benny waved as he left.

"Oi! aren't you gonna-" Collin yelled but Benny was already gone.

In Memory of Dear Mr. Collins S. BracewellWhere stories live. Discover now