where you go on your first date

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-you take her to a musical
-KiNkY bOoTs!!1!1
-you're both fangirling over Brendon Urie the whole time
-honestly same tho

-you two were quite a bit older before he saw you again, it was another mission but this time he asked you out
-you went to a lil restaurant 😭💖
-it was Italian
-you both made the mistake of ordering spaghetti
-big oof
-it was a lot of fun though, thankfully food wars were held back (this time)

-a quaint lil coffee shop
-you two sat on a bay window seat, sipping coffee and chatting
-not much happened, you two just enjoyed the peace and quiet
-he walked you home afterward aWh💞

-oh boy here we go
-he went over to your apartment one day totally wasted
-"I guess I could have calllllled but why b-bother when I can just see yourrrr beautiful ssself in perrrrrson-"
-slurring his words like there's no tomorrow
-you let him rest on your couch till he sobers up a bit
-when you go to get up off the couch he grabs your arm
-"please stay"
-sOfT bOi😰💘
-you sit with him and put on a show for you two to watch together, he lays his head in your lap and that's how you spend the rest of the afternoon together

-technically the date was the same night you guys met
-you two walked around the park and chatted all night long
-you got to know eachother very well
-she told you about her relashionship past and her yours
-you both knew that another date would be decidedly so

-he took you to a shooting range.
-it was fun!
-for him
-you weren't really feeling it too much
-he had noticed that you weren't enjoying it even though you denied it when he asked
-"lets just go okay?"
-you let him take you to his 'surprise'
-there's a lot of walking 😰
-eventually he covers your eyes and directs you somewhere
-he uncovers your eyes to a cute little picnic on a hillside
-you two sit on a blanket he laid out and just enjoy the rest of the afternoon together

-he takes you to a movie cause he's an old fanshioned boi like that
-he looked so nervous the whole time
-'will she like the movie? what if she hates it? what if she leaves right in the middle of it? what if she hates me forever?'
-insecure ™️
-you can tell that he's nervous
-in the middle of the movie you reach over and hold his hand 💞💓💗💖💘💕💝
-he's so relived and squeezes your hand a bit
-after the movie you walk him home again
-"so, see you later?"
-"see you later indeed" you smile and walk off
-he's already imagining what your next date is gonna be like

a/n- sorry this took so long, i'll try to have another chapter up this week, I just need some inspiration!! 💚

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