how you meet

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-she was 12 years old and you were 13 at the time
-You and Vanya went to the same music teacher
-while she was learning violin, you studied piano
-she heard you playing one day in the other room
-thought the playing was beautiful then saw you and thought yOU wEre bEauTifUl holY guAcaMoLe
-fell in love with your hands (sexual innuendo #1)
-she told you when you were done that you sounded amazing but got interrupted by dear old dad
-"ThAtS quiTe ✋EnOuGh❗️DiLlY dAlLyiNg 🚫nUmBer sEvEn😰"


-you were a hostage at the bank robbery
-got caught a bit off guard when he saw you
- "woah-"
- "beN cMoN!!" -a quote by Luther Hargreeves
-he then proceeds to murder a bunch of Guys Being Dudes™ with his chest tentacles (sexual? innuendo #2)
-you guys didn't talk but he thought about you for months afterwards


-You met at the commissioners office
-he slammed into you (sexual innuendo #3) while Scurrying™ to send a paper to Hazel and Cha-Cha
-you spilled hot coffee all over your front oOps
-Five has to take a second to process what just happened (aka is having a hard time looking away from you)
-once he snaps out of it, "ohmygoshiamsosorryishouldn'thavebeensoclutzyohmygoshhereletmehelpyou"
-he gets you napkins
-"let me get you another"
-you guys go get (good) coffee and start talking

-you and your friends were at a party
-Klaus was (you'll never believe it) buying drugs off of a stranger
-you were standing by yourself when he sees you
- Klaus.exe has stopped working 😰😰😰
-he walks right up to you and the pickup lines begin
-"is it hot in here or is it just you?"
-"on a level of one to America, how free are you tomorrow night?"
-He somehow manages to get your number (a miracle, really)

-she was walking home when she saw you sitting alone on a park bench
-*carless whisper plays*
-she strides on over and sits by you
-"what's a pretty thing like you doing out in the cold?"
-you blush, but told her that your date was a no-show
-she invites you to get a drink with her
-we stan a confident kween

-He was snooping around your crime scene
-Patch steps in
-"Leave my partner alone Diego"
-he just mocks her and keeps snooping so you tell him to get lost
-"a strong lady using strong words, I like it"
-you roll your eyes
-but you also blushy blushy a lil
-you let him hang around even though Patch told you not to 🤠🤟🏻

-(dAd sEnT mE to THe 👁👄👁 mOOn)
-Reggie sEnT him on some random mission in town
-you were walking down the street
-and wandered right into the crime scene
-after all the bad guys got Kersmacked™️, you saw Luther in his Umbrella Academy uniform
-you went up to ask him about some stuff
-your conversation ended up lasting like three hours
-you walked him home 💕💖💓💘💓💕
-"will I see you again?"
-you nod and wink and he melts

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