chapter one: The Ruins

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UnderSwap Copy - ##### : Pacifist Route.

~ ° ~ He loves his home, he cares for the other Monsters of the Monster community.
He calls his co-workers his friends, the residents of the town he lives in are all his family, the Royalty were kind and compassionate. Most importantly, he has his young brother with him. His brother is so energetic and happy, and it's all he will ever want and need.  ~ ° ~

<( ¬ ¬ )>

He had never thought he would ever see any other color besides the color of his clothes and bones.
He gasped loudly as he shot up to his feet wobbly, he twirls around in his spot as he looks at his new surroundings.

Error grins is a pretty much vibrates in his spot as he looked around the colorful (colorful to him anyways.) area.

" alL tHe col0rs!!!" he shouts out in amazement and happiness.

Error felt so happy he just couldn't keep still, he needed to explore this place!
With his mind made up, Error wandered around the area.
He kneels down to feel the soft ticklish small colors that he woke upon.
He gasps as he got an idea, he flops backward to sit on the soft colorful ground as he pulls off his shoes and throws them in a random direction. He quickly got onto his now bare feet as he stared down at the soft colors, they felt so soft and gentle on his feet!

He laughed and laughed as he gleefully pranced around the soft places of the area, he's finally seeing colors! Feeling the colors!

Error didn't stop running and twirling around the area barefoot until he started to tire out his energy. He fell backward back into the soft colors as he stars up at the bright, almost white color that was surrounded by the walls of the area he found himself inside of. 

This is what he had always wanted, but now all that's left for him to do is learn more about this place! Which brings the question in front of the other thoughts, how is he to learn of this place? are there others here that can teach him? If so then where are they? 

<( - - )>

Asgore felt it in his very SOUL that something was different, that he had something to do today. he knew he's stocked up on foods this month already, he also has another stock of teas, he's read a few books from the shelf this morning already, so what is he missing?

Ahh! That's it, he hasn't watered the flowers farther in the Ruins! Asgore let out a quiet chuckle, how could he have forgotten that? He walks off towards the door that leads to the rest of the Ruins, where he knows he always keeps his watering can near the door.

When he gets to the door he picks up his watering can and opens the door and walking out. Asgore also thought of the possibility of finding a human somewhere in the Ruins.
Asgore's glad he knows how to do every puzzle since he knows how to solve it quickly and get past the puzzles.

As the time and puzzles pass, Asgore makes it near the entrance at the end of the Ruins.

He can hear laughter inside.

<( * * )>

Error kicked his legs up in the air as he laughs in joy. He may have gotten tired but he's still too excited to sleep just yet.
Error gazes up at the bright hole in the ceiling in content as he lets his legs fall to the ground again.

"Howdy, are you alright there child?" Error shoots up at the voice and looks around until he spots the source.

Error blinks as he stares confusedly at the source, just what and who is that?

"wHO arE you? WHAt Are yOu??" Error asks curiously and bluntly towards to white soft looking being. Are they like him? A Monster? What kind of Monster is this one then??

Asgore blinks and gasps in shock as the figure lying in the flowers is a black colored skeleton Monster, he hasn't laid his eyes on a skeleton since...since...?
The two stare at each other in silence before Asgore realizes the skeleton has asked him questions," Oh! Well my name is Asgore, and I'm a goat Monster." Asgore smiles kindly at the dark skeleton.

"I am the caretaker of the Ruins, nice to meet you!" Asgore pauses as he doesn't know the skeleton's name," pardon me... But what is your name?"

Error vibrates as he stares wide-eyed at the goat Monster? Asgore? Oh wow! So there are more than him that exists!
He jumps up to stand on his still bare feet as he hurries over to the goat Monster.
"i'M erROr! ThIs is My fiRst TIme beING fREe!!" Error states proudly and happily as he gets in Asgore's personal space and pulling lightly at Asgore's ropes.

"whAt COlors aRE theSE???" Error questions as he pulls at Asgore's robes again.
Asgore feels his smile fall and his SOUL feels heavy the instant he hears Error stating nonchalantly that it's his first time being free.
"...pur-purple, they're all differ-... Different purples" Asgore chokes out his he brings one of his hands to cover his mouth as he looks down at Error.

Error's eye lights sparkle and the pupils turn into stars, 'purples?! He never knew a color can be the same yet so different!'
He continues to pull and prod at Asgore's robe, not noticing the shocked horror on Asgore's face.
'was this young skeleton...a prisoner? A prisoner of what and why? The skeleton looked so young.' soon Asgore's SOUL alighted in cold fury at the thought of someone (or even many someones) keeping such a young Monster in isolation so long that they didn't even know what the color purple was?!
Just how cruel were these, these MONSTERS!?! To have done something so cruel to a young Monster!?

Meanwhile, Error is still having the time of his life, meeting someone he can see?? And them teaching him about a color?!
Error glanced up at Asgore, he wondered if this goat? Yeah, he was sure Asgore had said goat.
Goat Monster would teach him even more things. Error jumped up in eagerness as he hurried over the soft-looking colors he had woken upon.
"WHat aRe thEse called?? What color are they??!?" Error questions Asgore while he points at the soft colors.
"...they're called flowers and they are yellow in color," Asgore replies as he sniffles wiping at his teary eyes as he smiles softly at the young Skeletal Monster.

" would you like to accompany me back to my home??" Asgore asks, he didn't want to leave the poor little Monster alone. Nor did he want the young one to fall into the hands of whoever had taken their freedom once again.

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